Friday, September 30, 2011

Quantity Vs Quality Part II

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

I had to follow up on yesterdays blog since I received this SEO newsletter which I read after I had posted.  It supports not only what I posted but also what I had suggested may be the case regarding relevent linking strategy.

So, according to the article, one good link on a topic relevant site is worth more than multiple links.  So rather than troll through sites for commenting it is importnat to try to get as many quality sites with the correct topic matter.  This is not as time consuming as you may think.

Simple put into the Google search the following:-

"Keyword"+edu "leave a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in to comment"

I am requesting edu sites for the quality that they represent, you can substitute this for gov or wp-admin.  I am also asking Google for it to give me the comments page where comments are open without registration, one of the commands is negative. 

Replace keyword with your choice of keywords.  Eg this morning I chose advertising:-

"advertising"+edu "leave a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in to comment" 

I can replace the word advertising with ads, classifieds, free classifieds - well you get the picture, this will bring up alternative sites so that I can comment on them.

The article also reinforces what I mentioned regarding the quality of the comment that you leave.  Whilst I am unsure if this effects your Google- worthiness it is more likely that in the event of a moderated blog your comments will be published.  Since you very often do not know if its automatically live,  then it really is worth at least skim reading to ensure that you post a comment referring to the article with some consideration for the writer. Only 1 or 2 links a day will be worth more so in fact SEO is less time consuming than before.  Great news!

YapYapOK Free Ads

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Quality VS Quantity

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

Since we have reclaimed status on Google it is important now to jump that last place to number one and to continue to work on our other keywords, ie Ads & Classifieds.  The problem is diluting the effort, however I am certain that daily blog posts and blog posts will have some impact in light of recent progress.

Blog posting is time consuming if its done properly.  I am spending a couple of hours each day adding profile links to edu blogs for 2 sites at present and the blog postings can be incredibly interesting.

What downgrades their reading is the spammy links that so many web marketeers choose to use.  IMHO it is a courtersy to the owner of the blog as well as its readers to actually read the blog post that you are commenting on and to provide a considered response.

So many comment "Great Article", or really obscure comments such as "This does not operate properly in my browser" and "I love the colour of the design" and "you write with great flair on I am pleased to find your blog".  Often these posts are on pages where the "article" is a music video or just an intro page.

We can all be a little guilty of this at times and inparticular if we have found an edu blog with auto commenting (not a fast job) it is not easy to pull yourself away and go in search of the next one, additionally creating a spammy link for the hell of it on a page with no text is already not so appealing to readers so where is the harm.  When the post is interesting, thoroughly researched with some obvious interested readers then it would be nice to read their opinions to create a relevant discussion. 

Spamming is not only degrading to the material on the site but if the search engines see too much activity then the web marketeer may see their links given less importance - ie less is more.

This is subjective, I have read too many articles suggesting that it is detrimental and others that insist that at worst they will not be considered so are more than likely a waste of time.  Personally I hope that this is more likely since sabotage with unethical webmasters makes it all too easy to achieve in a competitive industry.

I don't believe that Google penalises for too many links, but I have certainly seen an increase in SERP with a quality linking strategy rather than an all out across the web spam approach.

Another issue with quality linking is resource.  SEO companies that provide a manual linking campaign do charge accordingly, You can do it yourself but quality links are impossible with software so you can forget your cheap Fiverr Gigs.  That said quality manual links are possible on Fiverr.  My favourite is from Stormchaser who provides 50 edu links using a minimum of 5 keywords. 

Even then, paying for the service does not give considered commenting which will not affect the link quality as far as the marketed site goes.  It does however cheapen the site which is being posted on and I wonder if this continual spamming effect will see a decrease site commenting availability or if edu links will be given lower status.  Google already denies that they are worth more than others but so many disagree that I for one feel that if I am going to provide manual posts I may as well do it on a site that may have a higher value.

YapYapOK Free Ads - Still SERPING

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Costs Of Fooling Google!

YapYapOK Free Classifieds  Page 1 Google #2

SERP is up!  We briefly made the top spot last night having relinguised at between 4 and 5 for a few months.  So the ongoing SEO has been a tremendous success.

I have helped quite a few sites travel up the ranking but none have proved as difficult as YapYapOK.  This is clearly due to the competition that we are up against. 

There is no doubt in my mind that the most successful sites are ones that implement all the usual suspects in link strategy.

In the last month we have been busy with directory submissions, edu links and blogging with keyword rich anchor text.  It is frustratingly slow but rewarding.  Free Ads still languishes behind at number 13 but is on the up.

The amount of hits that a site as a result of SERP is subjective.  A friend of mine manages his own site in Spain which is on the top of Google for many of his products.  He also manages a competitors website for SEO.  This one is now as a result coming in at number 2 and he insists that Google traffic does not vary that much.  Clearly there are reasons for this.

Google works hard to bring the most relevant sits to the fore in search results so once you are at the top of Google its clear that you are dependant on the searcher to click on your site rather tahn others on the page.

This is where fine tuning the meta data is important.  For Google relevance its necessary to match all aspects of the data with the page content to be rewarded in the top.  For the searcher they will see duplication of keywords in the title, and the description.  To gain interest from the searcher you need a great sales pitch using only 150 characters.  Balancing keyword identity with the sales pitch in one short paragraph takes a little application.  By thinking about how you choose a site to click on, then you can put yourself in your customers shoes.

Whilst we are all taught not to use words like cheap in describing our ecommerce sites, it is a very common term put before the object in a users search.  We have all searched for cheap flights, cheap tickets, cheap computers etc.  The best way to get some kind of recognition without downgrading our products is to utilise this in the meta keywords whilst using relative words such as bargain, or unbeatable prices in the description or/and title.  Try to match this in the home page content as well as you can.  Obviously this is only true should your parices be very competively priced.

I hate searching for cheap anything only to end up on a website which clearly does not represent great value.

Yesterday I was looking for Billabong sale T shirts for my sons birthday.  Many of the sites returned had sales and Billabong but only a couple had the 2 together despite putting "Billabong sale 50% off", or similar, in the meta title.   This meant that Google accuratley gave me the results, with keyword matches on their product pages,  however instead of taking 30 minutes to be an online purchase I had to sort through and navigate my way around several sites which took most of the morning.  Result - my confidence in those sites is low and I probably won't return.  Had their meta accurately depicted the sales or been more vague, such as sale and then Billabong in the meta I would have been more forgiving.  This was a clear case of misdirection.

Its the same as looking for links with no recipricol required only to go through the process of registration to find that unless they see your link on their home page it won't go live,

So yes you can still fool Google but it may be at the cost of the a returning customer.

YapYapOK Free Classifieds - no delusions, no misdirection,  just totally Free Ads!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Friday, September 23, 2011

Camel For Adoption

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

Currently I am up to my eyes in article writing hence this blog post is particularly short andwould have been non existant excep I could not resist bringing this advert to you.

A Camel has come up for adoption and is advertised on the YapYapOK Free Ads site. Now you may or may not have considered adopting a camel as a pet.  I seriously doubt it!  I wonder how he will cope being without other camels.

My sister in law has adopted Dartmoor ponies on her rather extensive acreage.  I would love to see this as an addition on her land, but I wonder how they would get on?

YapYapOK Free Advertising - looking for the unusual to blog on!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ads & SEO

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

The one you have been waiting for .....Generous Foot Slave.  You can deny it all you want but there is obviously something in it since this one gets a disproportionate percentage of the page hits.  Adult personals as a catagory receives approximately 3 times the number of page visits then the next most visited category.  So we are clearly a liberated bunch.

The stats are also showing that are main keywords are working, Free Classifieds & Free Ads and now have high impact.  A keyword search term which is being utilised and that is growing organically is Free Adult Personals.

More and more people rely on internet dating as a method of meeting potential mates.  Unlike dating sites, YapYapOK Free Ads enables users to place an advert with no registration fee or ad placement fee.  You can be as inconspicuous or as brazen as you wish, feel free to embed a video link!

Other ads worthy of mention are this Second Hand Furniture Shop in London.  They provide used furniture at bargain prices with a cheap delivery option in London & the M25.  Retourware have also placed a variety of adverts with liquidated or surplus stock, this one for Melitta Coffee Machines from only €45,25/unit.

We are clearly in Google favour again, now placing at number 3 page one for Free Classifieds, number 13 on page 2 for Free Ads and featuring once again on, although we don't necessary wish to have international traffic until just yet.

So how have we done this? Well I am sorry to report that it has been hard work involving manual linking.  Mainly edu manual with a variety of keywords rather than a couple well concentrated.  In the past 2 weeks we have done approximately 50 which may not sound like many but when you consider how difficult it is to find the ones that allow automatic approved posting, then its clearly a laborious task.  I admit to giving up looking for auto approve posting with a PR higher of 3 or more since my time was not well spent.  This alone will not create a great SERP result.  The usual suspects apply, only with a few Google Panda conditions ; Articles - no duplication or poorly spun content since Google Panda is now penalising.  Social Marketing Sites, again vary each description as Google Panda is better at matching and penalising duplication as well as directory submission - again manual.

So what does this mean for the web marketeer?  For the larger corporations who have dedicated SEO staff, they will simply change tact to ensure the SEO is completed in an organic manner.  For smaller ecommerce retailers who probably outsource most of the SEO, they will have heftier charges or they will have to dedicate some time out themselves.  This is undoubtable harder for smaller businesses to commit resources, so once again it seems that Google will favour the big boys.

Clearly it is not intended for that purpose.  As a search engine, users prefer Google as it gives more accurate search results than other search engines.  By appling appropriate content to the data within the site it can ensure that the users get what they are looking for.  For example poorly spun content can often use keyword anchors that have become so spun, they no longer hold relevance.  The same can be said of out sourcing meta & descriptions to non English speaking countries.

I guess one way around it would be to create a vast number of descriptions for the directories and then outsource this material for manual submission.  Its still hugely time consuming but manual spinning would give the web master control of relevance.

Hope that helps!

YapYapOK Free Ads

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

D&G Underwear & Card Services

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

Ads worthy of a mention are one for Credit Card Services.  Why - well its one dear to my heart.  Having once owned a retail outlet and utilised the services of the market leader, I was astonished at the costs of the processing of cards at the till.  Apart from the obvious transaction charges we were subject to an array of extras all eating into our profit margins.

These charges make it all very difficult to keep prices down but operating with out a card machine is impossible when most of us rarely carry adequate cash to shop with.  Additionally the costs of banking cheques and cash are prohibitive. 

Another ad from Retourware24 for D&G underwear has appeared on the site.  I love all things D&G - not just the name.  I retailed D&G watches and Jewellery and they were always the most dynamic designs of all the designer brands that we carried.  

Blogging about Free Ads published creates more anchor text links to the YapYapOK website for the individual adverts.  This has an impact on search enginin visibility and position for the appropriate ads.  These links appear on Posturous and Blogger as well as being a live advert on the email account.  

Place your Free Ad on YapYapOK Free Classifieds  for maximum visibility!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Google Panda

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

I have been reading quite a lot about the new Google Panda - the latest algorythm employed by Google to ensure relevant accurate and quality content is displayed for the user.

My favourite blog at the moment is Online Money Club by David Henry.  I am now working at utilising these methods to promote the YapYapOK Free Ads site.  They include relevent links above the fold.  No duplicate content or badly spun articles and less use of online directories unless submission is manual (duplicate content).

His blogs are well written, not too techy but thorough.  He is a believer in edu and gov links preferring to utilise high pr relevent pages.  This negates the need for massive effort since the links carry so much more weight.

Keyword stuffing again crops up as only potentially detrimental since its less likely to be syndicated.  Apart from that it seems that it is unlikely to be of harm and therefore not fall down in Google rankings.

So - a short blog, but I do now have to find edu  links containing relevant advertising topic with a PR of 5 or more.

YapYapOK Free Ads  - yes I know its below the fold but I just can't help myself!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Finding EDU sites for SEO commenting

According to popular articles, edu and .gov links are some of the most important ones you can get as they are considered more important than blog profiles due to their authority.  Other articles strenuosly deny that some links are more important than others.  Clearly any site with high visitor numbers will have the potential of more traffic although most webmasters spam blogs for the linking rather than the content.

Commenting on links should be in relation to the blog content.  This is clearly more time consuming since it requires the poster to read and give a thoughtful response.

If edu links do indeed carry more weight, then it may be worth the extra work.

Finding edu links for commenting is easy.  Just remember that if the comments are automatic posting then clearly they will be spammed meaning that the quantity of comments will be spammed and no one will ever read them.  The power therefore relies solely on the anchor link.

With that in mind rather than troll through edu links for automatic posting simply put this into Google and you will get a list of edu links with open commenting.

site:edu inurl:blog "leave a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in to comment"

This is a command to Google to take you to the comments page where the hyphens represent the negative - ie not comments close and not logged in to comment.

Repeat this with .gov pages substituting the edu part of the command.

If edu links carry more weight, than this is a worthy exercise.  If they don't, then they will still count so its certainly not wasted.

I am experimenting with Free Ads in this exercise.  I get as much traffic from searches of Free Classifieds as I do of Free Ads, despite that the first is on page 1 and the latter on page 2 of Google search results.  The reason for this is the proportion of searches on each keyword.  Free Ads gets at least twice as many.  Its worth rechecking keyword tools as the results change.

I have neglected Ads as a keyword despite the relatively low competition and the high search numbers.  This was certainly due to inexperience when I first considered the main keyword of the site.  I was remiss in not revisiting keyword searches more often and of not being more imaginative in what I put in the keyword search tool.

Having readdressed this I have several new keywords to market - edu links, here I come!

YapYapOK Free Classifieds -  striving for page 1 on all Ads

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is There A Short Cut To SEO?

YapYapOK Free Classifieds UK

When we launched YapYapOK Free Ads it was with the intention of having an experienced web marketeer as a shareholder with contacts who would be able to push the site forward with maximum PR.  

We were on a limited budget so sadly we were unable to retain his services although we wish him well.  As a consequence we had to learn the DIY method of SEO and boy what progress we have made.

We are on page 1 of Google for our main very competitive keyword and various other bastardisations of it and Page 2 for our second.  The metadata on every category and sub category has been fine tuned along with url rewrite on all Ads which help to ensure our Ads feature high in SERP.

So was there ever a short cut - hmmm yes and no.  For the most part SEO is long and laborious.  It is absolutely necessary to have directory submissions, edu links, blog posts, ensuring that anchors match the site meta data.

Sites must reflect the data within the content.

I have praised Fiverr for being able to shortcut many of the SEO techniques to a maintainable level, but how much of it actually works?   Well sorry to say - very little.  Without doubt manually directory submission works the best as does edu links.   However, anyone who claims to do large linking of EDU manually very often utilises software.  Whilst time consuming it is actually better to do these yourself.  I now comment on EDU blogs myself.  Just a few comments each day creates a natural linking structure without upsetting Google.

Since inception we took YapYapOK all the way to Google pole position for Free Classifieds.  We believed that once we had arrived that it would require maintenance on a smaller scale.  However we are in a competitive industry against many older sites many of whom advertise on TV so whilst this may be true of other sites it is absolutely not the case for us.  With a Free Ads it means that for now and the foreseeable future it is relentless.

Consistently blogging has been one of the significant SEO techniques which has helped to increase SERP.  This is time consuming but is a must.  Although the word out is against keyword stuffing with too many anchor text links.  YapYapOK Free Classifieds Ads has never suffered to the detriment of Google.  Possibly not all are taken into account.  I don't know.  What I do know is that blogging with anchor linked text has seen an increase in SERP with a maintainable position.  

I also wonder if blogging via email to Posturous  which links to Blogger, Facebook & Twitter is a more powerful way of blogging.  The content is only actually duplicated on Posturous and Blogger as Facebook & Twitter link to the Posturous blog.  THis duplication of content has never created a problem in our SEO.

If indeed excess duplication of content as well as blackhat was an issue then we could easily jump to number one by utilising these services on our competitors.  With that in mind I doubt that you could sandbox a competitor with a few questionable  Fiverr gigs.  At least I hope not.  To me its the same as hijacking and hacking websites.  

So what advantage do we have over the big boys SEO ers?  Well I am blogging and linking over the weekend, I seriously doubt that they work Saturdays!!

YapYapOK Free Classifieds UK, getting ahead of the Free Ads competition - legitimately!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Friday, September 9, 2011

To Feature - Or Not....

YapYapOK Free Classifieds UK

Data analysis can be very dull but also incredibly addictive.  I spend a good proportion of my day visiting the stats to see what the keyword analysis and most popular pages.  Very often Ads posted on YapYapOK are returning results on page 1 Google often on pole position.  I can clearly see why many Free Ads utilise featured adverts with a paid inclusion since Ads on the home page return a significantly higher number of visits.  Unlike other Free Classifieds we do not have paid inclusion since all Ads appear on the home page as the newest on the site.

This gives each one the visibility it deserves.  The problem, IMHO, of features ads is that whilst they are noticed more quickly, very often someone searching for that item will continue looking in order to make a fair comparison and to get a better deal.  Featured classifieds are less likely to compete price wise since they have the advertising costs to swallow.  Having said all that I would be prepared to revisit this if that is what the consumer demanded.

Certainly YapYapOK Free Ads will continue to operate as it has been for the time being.  Since all ads appear on Twitter than they generally receive a higher number of visits due to the inbound linking structure appearing within the Tweet.  This also shows on the stats since we get about 20% of our traffic from Twitter as a consequence of the Twitter search and RSS.

Alexa too also shows very promising results with respect to the increase on time on site, average page visits per user as well as a huge decrease in bounce rate.  This illustrates that visitors do actually browse the site for bargains rather than just look for one specific item.  I have checked this data against other popular Classifieds UK sites and the pattern is the same.  This suggests that the public is tuning into classified advertising sites by navigating through the pages.

The advantage that YapYapOK has over many of the other sites is the prominent images.   This allows users to see at a glance if this is indeed the item they are looking for as well as drawing them in to tempting items.

We think that this is the equivalent of a featured advert but without the premium.

YapYapOK - A premium Free Classifieds UK - without the charges!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Risks Of Selling Online

YapYapOK Free Classifieds UK

Every online advertising site is subject to unscrupulous fraudsters.  We have all seen examples of consumers being taking example of on Ebay as well as many classifieds sites.   If a site has an advert for a bargain product that seems to good to be true - then chances are it is.

Whilst it is impossible to vet every advert that appears we use all due diligence to ensure that the YapYApOK Free Classifieds UK website remains as free as possible from these scam artists.  To be fair, these are fairly scarce.  However we did recently notice some pedigree dogs apparently in London for a ridiculously low price.  By checking the advertiser on our database we found that far from being in London - they were in fact from Nigeria.  As a consequence we removed the ad from the site within an hour of it appearing.

Another method we use is checking our statistical analysis of visits.  If we see browsing from some of the countries known to commit such scams then we instantly check the page loads to see if there are any adverts placed which may appear suspicious.

We also ensure that the registered user is inactive on the site.

We take fraud seriously and take steps to ensure our visitors are as safe as can be expected from online con artists.  To safe guard against fraud, please take the necessary steps to protect yourself.  Bizarrely according to online research pets is a common one.  Clearly anyone looking to buy a pet would need to see the animal in advance, so don't pay upfront.  Alternatively if you are looking at a pedigree dog or cat - then why not check out some of the rescue centers that exist for many breeds.  Due to the high level of repossession of homes, many pedigrees can no longer be kept since rental properties accommodating pets are harder to find.  Personally I quite like mixed breeds since they generally do not suffer from the same health issues that occur in pure breds.

If you are suspicious of any adverts on the YapYapOK Classifieds UK site, then drop us an email. 

YapYapOK Free Ads - Working hard to keep internet advertising safer! 

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

THe Trials Of Being A Working Mum

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

I love being a mum & spending time with my son, but .....

Lets face it, any working parent knows the demands of working whilst trying to keep the kids entertained and keeping up with basic home duties, particularly in the school holidays.

Juggling with other working mothers does enable you to continue working but invariably means that you have a house full when its your turn.  This in turn increases the demands of trying to fulfill home duties as well as ensuring adequate food supplies are in place.

So whilst I love the holidays and the bonding time with my son.  It is  with a small sigh of relief that I can reconnect with work and keep focussed on the tasks at hand instead of tormenting myself ensuring an imaginative and active school holidays that does not rely too heavily on my purse or the Xbox.

On Sunday we decided to go blackberry picking - just the family.  What I had not anticipated was the work that this involved on my first focussed work day in weeks.

We will be eating blackberry compote for at least a year accompanied by some delicious blackberry cordial.  Last night we had blackberry and apple crumble. 

The house is a mess, our clothes are permanently stained, but can all wait.

Today I am back SEO-ing to the max for the YapYapOK Free Ads website!

YapYapOK Free Classifieds - looking forward to publishing my recipes on the forum........later!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Monday, September 5, 2011

Yapping Adverts

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

I doubt that I have ever seen a more beautiful hand made bespoke Gazebo than the one advertised over the weekend.  The advertiser has a couple of other adverts for outdoor dining which are unusual and fully treated to provide a lifetime of use.

Another advert for a Static Caravan in North Yorkshire also caught my eye.  Its 3 bedroomed with river front views, sheds and parking.  Priced at £20995.00 it represents value for family holidays in the countryside.

Retourware24 have been busy placing more adverts - this time for a stock lot of Dell Value Pro Smartphones.

Blogging the Free Ads utilising the item as the keyword creates another link to the advert.  Twitter creates visibility plus a link which increases the chances of featuring high in  Google search results.  This is apparent in our statistical analysis which illustrates that whilst advertisers place ads on sites featuring well for common search terms such as Free Classifieds, Ads etc.  However many customers do not browse a Free Ads site looking to shop.  They simply place what they are looking for into the Google search box.

Since YapYapOK Free Ads is a well optimised site with a url matching the title of the individual advert, then Google can clearly see the correlation in the url, the title and any tags that the user places.  Put in a detailed description and the ads are easily spotted by the precise audience looking for the items listed.

Yesterdays SEO is still bouncing all over the place which is a sign that Google has seen the "links"  It will now take about 7 days to determine the success.

YapYapOK Free Ads - The proactive advertising Classifieds!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Avoiding the Sandbox

YapYapOK Free Classifieds

I am acutely aware of "The Google Sandbox"  due to experimenting with link wheels in the past.  Fortunately I created the wheel using all the usual suspects, ie Hub Page, Squidoo, Scribd plus various article sites and web pages created on free templates.

I created it manually over a couple of weeks but despite this our site was thrown into oblivion.  By mapping my wheel I quickly disconnected the interlinking pages so that only relevant links pointing to the Free Classifieds remained.  The website returned to page 1 Google within a couple of hours.

Consequently I am very guarded against using any SEO company that utilises black or grey hat SEO methods on Fiverr.  I had researched one technique which appears to work but I have been unable to ascertain if its blackhat.  

Finally I bit the bullet and utilised a Fiverr gig to see what would happen with one of my least important keywords.  So far I have been thrown out of reach of Google for this keyword which previously existed on page 10.  Interestingly my other keywords are totally unaffected and we remain on page 1 and 2 for the ones we depend upon.

Does this mean I am sandboxed?  Any good SEO usually results in a temporary drop in SERP - usually not this drastic.  So now I await to see if this drastic drop will see either an incredible recovery or if it has cost me.  I conclude that whatever the result I have more confidence implementing techniques for less important search phrases knowing that my site has not been affected.

Clearly I would not knowingly implement black hat techniques since I still do not know if this is one.  If it is white hat then I have nothing to fear and this could be the reason why the site has not disapeared altogether.

This is all academic since it could be that the last time Free Classifieds was "Sandboxed" could have been temporary whilst Google checked out the links.  It makes me a little nervous that we can upset the search engines this way.  It makes better sense that if Google can see the evidence of black hat marketing, then it should disregard the links altogether so that only time or money is wasted.  Otherwise does this not make our websites vulnerable to our competitors or unscrupulous SEO companies?

I await the results of SERP and will publish them accordingly along with the method used.

YapYapOK Free Classifieds - Bringing Free Ads to life!!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, September 1, 2011


YapYapOK Free Classifieds

Retourware24 advertises with amazing regularity on YapYapOK Free Ads.  They are an intermediate sales site for bankrupt and excess stock as well as stocking many branded refurbished items such as laptops, phones and other hi-tech items.  Additionally there are clothes, accessories, toys baby products and other miscellaneous items.

Often people buy the stock and sell on Ebay to profit.  Its easy to evaluate the market by looking up the success of the sales on Ebay prior to investing. Its also easy to evaluate which items on Ebay are the most popular to further minimise the risk of investment.

"Retourware24 is a b2b trade platform for bankrupt stocks, residual stocks, liquidated stocks, ends of lines, overstocks and stocklots, wholesale clearance offers, distressed stocks, mixed pallets, raw customer returns, closeout stocks, discontinued stocks."

YapYapOK Free Ads now has an amazing 1982 sites linking in - according to Alexa.  Out of the top Free Ads sites on Google I was only able to find 2 sites with a higher number.  These are and

We are flying with the big boys.  So what does this linking mean and how does it help our advertisers?  

It gives us importance in the eyes of the search engines.  The more important the site, the higher the SERP.  Sites such as Twitter are clearly important but so are edu sites which are considered to be some of the best.  Additionally it brings traffic.  Each link is another window to the site creating potentially more visitors.  Hence SERP & links create further visibility enabling the site to be more accessible to users.  

YapYapOK Free Classifieds - bringing all Free Ads to the fore!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site