Thursday, April 29, 2010

Please Sir - I want more!

YapYapOK UK Free Ads Global Alexa  498K unchanged, but its still early.

I have for the last few weeks been promising to create more recipes for the Free Ad forum.  Since we have been exploring other various web tools and a couple of ad campaigns, consequently it has dropped in priority and has a layer of dust on my imaginary in tray.

My hand has been forced in the event of my Scribd two days ago.  It now has over 2100 reads and has been downloaded 140 times.  Food is the new fashion & I for one can spend hours pouring over recipes books for inspiration and ideas.  I do like pictures to accompany them though, so I do now feel that I should re address the recipes in due course and edit them with a photo to further inspire the readers.

My next task is to remember and rewrite my hot roast fennel salad with garlicky baked camembert.  These recipes have several discreet links to our Free Classified site so the exercise is not a wasted one.

No doubt after writing, my mouth will  water and I will succumb to ravenous status and eat the contents of the fridge.  Oh, I can hear my tummy rumbling already!


Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

A series of fortunate events

YapYapOK Free Ads Alexa global ranking 498,520.  UK Rank 33K

So we expected great things, & great things we got.  I think that this concludes a positive result for the power of visualisation.  My goal is to reach 350k by the 2nd May.

Its odd that yesterday we had no movement in Alexa & that definately lead to a lack of motivation.  I was too easily distracted and ended up doing chores such as driving to the pharmacy, cooking the dinner, doing as opposed to helping with the homework( I find it quicker) and clearing the ironing.  A postive move in rankings is conducive to high productivity, its my inspiration to research and my motivation to succeed.

Yesterday I was distracted not just by chores but also by Scribd, have I mentioned how much I love it?  Instead of my normal SEO research, I ended up searching for controversial articles including "awakening your clairvoyance" & "Life power, & how to use it".  I posted a recipe from the Free Ad forum with a couple of in bound links so to alleviate any guilt I was feeling on such a non productive day.  Well apparently not so non productive at all.

To date ( I joined 7 days ago) I have published 6 articles on Scribd.  All have excessive back links and are mostly about web tools on improving rank & hit rate.  Each one has an average of 60 reads.  Except this last one.  My Morrocan lamb recipe on our Free Ad site ( the link takes you to the homepage then go to forum and recipes,  no its not direct coz I get more page views this way) has been read 916 times since yesterday.  I have had several subscribers over night and comments thanking me for such a nice recipe.  See now your gonna have to look.   The click through rate on my blatent links to the recipe pages was not to be sniffed at and undoubtably affected the Free Ads page rankings.   Additionally it has been downloaded 82 times and just one minute go became one of Scribds featured articles.  Now I know what it is to be a celebrity!

This has motivated me to publish even more of my recipes over the next few days.   The only problem with this motivation is I am left with an abundance of energy.  I need to burn it off so I am off to play my tennis with my son.

YapYapOK the UK Free Ads

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


YapYapOK UK Free Ads Alexa Global 532,289, UK 41k unchanged as yet.

Despite my frantic clicking on Alexa for, it is not yet yielding to my demands.  Since yesterday our UK Free Ads  acheived its second best day on unique visitors, the pages visited were also incredibly high, so I am anticipating a move in the right direction.

My new favorite social media site is Scribd.  I may have mentioned it last week when I first discovered it.  This one is a little different from the others in that the format and the submissins are so easy to browse.  It must also be the easiest site to use.  I actually find myself being distracted by reading other submissions, one thing I rarely do with blogs and next to never with Tweets.  I am finding that within a week I have several followers which is more than I can say for my blog despite it having existed for much longer.

The other nice thing about Scribd is the tolerance.  They allow it to be policed by the people that use it.  In general it seems that we are all in it to get feedback from whatever we are promoting.  I am following one lady for her exquisite vegetarian recipes.  I made her version of Baba Ghanoush to use up my left over aubergines from a mousaka I had made the previous week. 

Amongst many subscribers are the wannabe authors submitting chapters for feedback.  I cant help getting distracted by a bit of fiction, I am getting lost in some really great fiction and demanding more form the authors.  This interaction creates a bond between users that just does not happen on blogs or Twitter.  My Facebook postings are really for SEO links since they mostly go unread by my friends, not that I blame them of course.

I am off to randomly select some free classified posts to post on the YapYapOK Facebook page, something I have neglected to do recently.

YapYapOK Free UK Classifieds and shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Continous Improvement

YapYapOK UK Free Ads Alexa Global 532,289  UK ranking now at 41k.

I have been with my developer this morning & returned back to work with renewed enthusiasm, despite not being able to attend to my daily duties several hours after I have normally started.

We have identified several new programing tools which will soon add confidence to the user and indeed to the seller by adding features to the free classified such as an established rating system.  By this time next week all ads will be on auto Twitter.   The week after, all ads will be on a serial rotator on the top of the home page which gives extra exposure to all Free Adverts on the site.  This serves very well for users who start a shop.  Presumably all shops will have more ads than private ads, hence that shop gets more exposure, additionally shops have all their product listed under the main ad so if a user clicks on a rotating ad then they instantly get visuals of other products within that shop.

This is also an instrument for SEO.  Our home page will be constantly evolving which looks great as far as the search engines are concerned.  It appears that we are constantly updating the content of our site which is great for rankings.

Our UK classified site will continue to grow and evolve with modern features making YapYapOK a more viable site for business and private classified ads.

YapYapOK Free UK Classifieds

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Monday, April 26, 2010

Spam or Promotion?

YapYapOK UK Free Classifieds Alexa Rank 543,776  Global, 43k UK.

I was having a quick look on my stats yesterday.  Amongst my referels was one from Twitter coming from Vampire something or other.  They had put me on their spamming list.   Obviously they feel it is their duty to go around and police Twitter.  The problem of course with this is that it is irrelevant.  Tweeting a one liner or a micro blog makes it very easy for followers to decide if they want to read your tweets or not. For most of us Twitting is promotion, you can dress it up anyway you want, promoting your site with microblogs is in itself spamming.  I seriously doubt that this vampire supply shop would spend so much time Tweeting had they not had the sole intention of driving worthwhile traffic to their site.  Tweeting manually ( which they claim) is hard enough to do without doing it hung by ankles from the ceiling!

Since the majority on Twitter are in it for promotion, most don't care.  As long as we interact with some friendly banter, acknowledge messages & retweet our following from time to time, we are perceived to be managing our account well.  Most of my Tweets are not read as they are posted.  They are read in RSS feeds from subscribers to which they are more relevant.  So suddenly it is not spam it is necessary & valuable data.  It is also this service that makes our Free Ads unique.  Tweeting individual classified posts would have very little value without this.  In fact it would only serve to promote our site as opposed to promote the individual advert.

Whilst we are a new classified site, it does not mean that ads do not get the right amount of exposure.  Our hit rate grows daily and ads also go out on other sites.  Consequently this is a viable site to submit a free advert to. 

I am about to embark on more keyword analysis & have a heavy day ahead of me.

So in the name of SEO;
YapYapOK Free ads.

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Warning, a very dull for links only post!

YapYapOK free ads - Alexa 561,014 Global, UK 48K, US 891k.  Did not quite make my 550k goal but it was upped from a previous goal of under 600k.

I have been reading a forum on how to get Alexa to under 100k.  Some claim this to be easy and others that there is a large requirement to attract visitors.  My understanding is that it is a combination of visitors, site glue ( how long a visitor stays), page views and in links.  Since there seems to be a fluctuation of numbers to sites within similar rankings then there is clearly more than one criteria.

Since today is Sunday and I am blogging for links then I will keep this short.  We have had many new classified posts over night.  This decorative beaded hairband is one, here is one for sharepoint online training.

I am off to start cooking.  Until tomorrow, where I hope to have some wit & at the very least something to say.

YapYapOK Free UK Classifieds

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Saturday, April 24, 2010

You can’t hit what you can’t see.

YapYapOK Free UK Classifieds Alexa 591,169.

Clearly all my efforts on marketing the YapYapOK classifieds are working.  I have so many things to do but not the time.  Last week I promised an update on the recipe forum, but article writing superseded it in importance.

I am still in the midst of analysing data for my Keywords.  I am grateful that I set the time aside preparing an Excel spreadsheet.  There is no way that I could have fully understood the hits/hr for each keyword and then continue to know it once that word had changed.

Yesterdays hits were slightly disappointing ie: they dropped from the day before, however they still substantially exceeded any we had received prior .  The majority of these hits is still due to these small search engines so I am unsure why we took a hit.  It would be good to know what is a reasonable variable for website traffic.

We have also been rewarded By Alexa and can now see our 100k goal in sight.

A quick update on my Yahoo paid ads.  I have now started to see that we are getting traffic from Bing with these keywords.  I reset the account so that the credit is distributed through the month.  For that reason I am pleasantly surprised how much traffic I received, particularly considering the keywords I have chosen as well as the frequency in which they yielded a result.

My keywords included names of the best ranked classifieds sites in the UK.  Unlike, I also received clicks for misspells which I was a pleasant surprise.

I would love to know the average traffic for various rankings within Alexa.  Since Alexa only provides data for sites within a 100k then it is difficult to know measure where we can expect to be.

There is a site which gives approximate data on entering the URL but this is inaccurate.  It estimated ours at far exceeding what we were getting a few weeks ago, since our increase in traffic it is now under estimating it.  Whilst I am on the subject of estimations there are various sites which value your website when you enter the URL.  One estimates our Free Ads to be worth  $2000 and another one $2.79 million.  Do we take an average? 

So if anyone anywhere has the answer to either web valuation or Alexa traffic, I would love to know.

It's Saturday and therefore mufti, have a great weekend!

YapYapOK The UK Free Classifieds
YapYapOK Free Business Advertising

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Friday, April 23, 2010

Re Re Wind - Take a look at our Alexa!

YapYapOK the best Free UK Classifieds - Alexa 591,168

Yesterday we ranked at 619,118 so thats a massive 27,950 jump over night.  Clearly we are delighted as this suggest that in all likely hood we will acheive an Alexa rank of under 100,000 very quickly.  My plan was to get under 500k by next sunday (2nd May 2010)  But I have reset the goal to 450K. 

My ad campaign is achieving far more traffic than I imagined.  This is because of some of my key terms working exceptionally well for me.  Others such as Classifieds & Dogs are doing very badly despite having massive traffic in Google.  I think I have discovered the reason why.

Europe seems quite keen on these smaller search engines where the ads are being shown.  America is not so keen.  I can see that easily from my stats that most of my traffic is coming in from my ads on these engines, few from the US and massive from all over Europe.  So, clearly I have lost a major contributor to the English presentation of keywords.  Whilst the words translate, it is often not literal enough for an exact search.  There may not be such a term for classifieds in other European Language, it may simply be Free ads, Free ad or Free advertising

This is even clearer when you see that Shoes is an amazing keyterm giving me an incredible amount of traffic, seriously if you have a shoe shop, you want to be advertising on this Free Ad site.  The same goes for Used Cars.

So I have already tweaked my ads on ExactSearch.  They are clearly picking up in popularity as I have easily been able to buy every one I wanted.  Today I entered a word in for availability and there was only one left.  So I quickly added it.  Another  had run very low.  I need to be disciplined and try to get my ad words right within the next 2 weeks.  Since each one takes up to 4 hrs to change and then reqs at least 24 hours to monitor this is a tall order.  If they don't perform then I have lost over a day on each one.

Luckily I come fore armed with a long list of potential successors all with search engine data to back them up.

Wish me luck!

YapYapOK Free ads

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Commercial Marketing Tools

YapYapOK Free UK Classifieds Alexa 619,118 UK unchanged.

What has changed however is the hit rate, it trebled with my first lot of keywords and has trebled again.  I know I must seem like an affiliate, but I'm not.  I am just genuinely delighted with ExactSearch.  Apart from having an affordable ad system that actually works, they are efficient responsive and clearly value their customers.  Even though we are on different continents, any emails are still answered the same day.

So now I have a fairly large list of keywords and despite researching them fairly thoroughly on Trellian, the numbers do not translate from Google to these other search engines.  Some inevitably do and out perform others 10 times.  The beauty of ExactSeek is that it is so easy to change.  Of course its important to remember that there is a time delay so when you view that the change has taken place, ie by putting your keyterm in the search engine and seeing if your site comes up, or leave it for 4 hours and work from then.

I have today done a quick excel sheet with all my keywords.  I have programmed it to give me the clicks per hour on every term.  All I do is input the data.  Clearly if you only have a handful of keywords then this will be unnecessary, although its surprising which ones you forget you've changed and when, by not keeping record.  This system will facilitate keyword evaluation so I can optimise them properly. Its not without foundation to think that a well optimised system will double the hit rate or more, from where we are now.

I have also started an ad campaign with Yahoo & Exoclick.  They are fairly low on budget and restricted to the UK.  I wasn't too clever with some of my words, probably using Free Ads is going to dry out the account in no time. I need to change them so that I am not paying a premium.  I will get round to this at some point this week.

YapYapOK - a new class of free classifieds
YapYapOK - classified ads

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Free PR

YapYapOK Free Classified Ads Alexa ranking 629,470, unchanged since yesterday.

I am however expecting great things.  I have had my article published by Article Base.  Whilst this is no big thing in web marketing.  It is something I have put off as I did not feel confident of my writing skills.  There are strict guidelines which require adherence if you want your article submitted.  I had previously registered on articlezine but there was no way I was going to be able to comply with theirs.

Articlezine will not allow blatant marketing and they only allow 2 in bound links.  Whilst they rank very slightly higher in Alexa than Article Base, the fact that I am allowed 3 in bound links in both the summary and the body must surely more than make up for rank in my SEO. 

Additionally Article Base submission went through the next morning.  For the benefit of anyone interested here it is. "Selling Online Just Got Easier".

You are not paid for articles, they are free for anyone to use as they wish and you effectively negate any ownership.  So clearly unless you want some free PR  then your unlikely to do it.  I plan on submitting one article a week to various sites.  Its important not to duplicate so I need to dedicate some time to it.

Yesterday I researched Trellian as a free trial for keyword analysis of advertising.  Its far superior to Google in that it gives you so much more analysis and variations of the words./  I had previously tried to register for free trial of another site, but could not progress without entering in my credit card details.  Any freebie that requires me to cancel my payments or membership after the free trial is over I am very wary of, mostly because my mind leaks like a sieve and I would be permanently broke.

I now have a whole dictionary of keyword/terms on every variation of classifieds that you can think of.  Today my extended marketing campaign with begins in earnest.  I am dedicating the next few hours to getting every term, description and linked URL as close as I can.  Wish me luck!

YapYapOK classifieds

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Monday, April 19, 2010

Onwards & Upwards

YapYapOK - Free Classifieds Alexa 629,470  UK 55k

Today I have woken up with the headaches of headaches, despite this I still managed to perform the Alexa dance for my family as the best UK free classifieds jumped another 26,000 places overnight.

Our hit rate is doing pretty well now as a direct result of advertising on  The only aspect we need to improve is on population.  This may happen organically or it may require some media marketing.  The problem with low population is that sellers think that consumers wont search for their product on a low populated site.  Since we do not rely on just site visits to market individual ads then this is an oversight of the seller. 

We now have lots of feedback of sellers saying that they are getting increased referred traffic from their free business advertising

Today I am concentrating my efforts on some keyword analysis to further enhance my advertising with We are buying in bulk for a year as the discounts are enticing.  Having tried the system I have to say that I have found it to be cheaper and more successful than Googles adwords.  Whilst does not get the same traffic, it also does not have the same competition.  Since they do not oversell their keywords, your ad appears constant.  They do not promise this and as the keywords gradually sell then they will be in rotation.  That is a good thing since it means that they are attracting even more traffic. has climbed 2000 places since I researched them a week or so ago.  This means that they are gaining in popularity.  I only need to look at our site stats to see where my traffic is being referred from.  They are now ranked at 5000.

So I must hurry to secure my keywords before the rest of the digital world catches on.

YapYapOK - free online advertising.
YapYapOk - free shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Page One Of Google

YapYapOK - free ads Alexa ranking 645,319 UK rank 62,609!

I read an article on getting to page one of google.  This is so much to do with meta data then it does with ranking or links.  For example, when you when you type in free classified and shop hosting, YapYapOK  comes up on the front page at the top of that page.  The problem is that no one actually searches for this.  You need unique key terms, but they must have an audience.

What I would really like is to come up as a result of UK Free Ads, or UK Free Classifieds, or Free Shop HostingClassified and classifieds would be nice but the competition gets very stiff here. 

The article suggests that you come up with 10 keywords which are not too common and literally use each term  anchoring them with in links to your website.  It suggests using to submit to.  Your article is not approved and literally goes live instantly.  Couple this with the fact that Scribd has an Alexa Rank of 238 and you can see that you are getting "votes" from a very important site.

The article was written by TheAntiHype and I am very grateful for it.  He has written many interesting articles on SEO and I look forward to going through them. 

I have some errands to do  today so it is unlikely that i will expand my Exactsearch terms.  However it is on this weeks agenda and I will report back to let you know how it increases my traffic.

Meanwhile check out YapYapOK - The UK Classified ads site

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Sunday Morning Quickie

YapYapOK - The UK Free Classified Site has an Alexa Rank of 670,181 globally, The UK rank now stands at 74,056

On my to do list this week is article submission, I was well aware that this was another key tool in free web marketing but have so far been either too busy and other times too complacent to get on with it.  This is a great way to get digital PR to your site.  The content should be well written and not duplicated.  To maximise my article exposure it is necessary that I submit different ones to different sites.

UK Free Classifieds will be my anchor text as will Free Shop Hosting.  Apparently its important not to spam, I am not sure if that's a Google thing or if its the article sites thing.  If its Google then ooops!

Since I spam in links on every blog and multi post them and my rankings increase pretty much daily then I am guessing its down to the web sites themselves.

This week has seen a succession of on topic serious blogs re SEO.  I will try to lighten the mood this week with a little wit and spontaneity.

Until then, pip!

YapYapOK Free Ads and Free Shop Hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Revising my SEO

YapYapOK UK Free Classified Alexa Ranking 681,821.  On the 19th March we ranked 1.36 million so we have jumped an access of 671,000 in less than a calender month.

Yesterday I was re reading some SEO literature.  It reminded me of one of the things that had somehow bypassed me when I read it first time.  It related to anchor text relevance with text linking.  I create around about 30 inward links everyday from highly ranked sites such as Blogger, Posturous, Linkedin etc.  Having an in bound link is like getting a vote from another website.  If that site happens to be well ranked then its vote is more important to Google. 

I had remembered to never use arbitrary text such as click here, I knew that it had to be related but clearly Google cannot make a relationship between YapYapOK and UK Free Classifieds.  So it is up to me to create that relationship.  At least until the name YapYapOK becomes synonymous with Free Classifieds.  Alas being humble was never my strong point, I had clearly forgotten we weren't there yet!

This week I shall be concentrating on article submission and submitting these to the various sites.  2 in particular that rank well are ezinearticles and articlesbase.  I trust that there is an opportunity for in links to the Best UK Free Classified Ads site, (I remembered)  but if not at least we have some free PR.  In case your wondering keywords such as the anchor text I have used is recognized better  with a capital letter at the front.

Such huge increases in Alexa during the past few weeks brings high expectations of the next few weeks. At this point complacency will not be acceptable.  It is important that I crank up a gear and continue to expand what I am doing and to research further tools that will enhance rank.

I am off to write my first article for the Worlds Best Classified.  It will include information about our Free Shop Hosting system.  Hopefully it will be more interesting than this blog, but this is really for anyone who is interested in tuning up their SEO.

YapYapOK Free Classified ads
YapYapOK Free Shop

Have a great week end!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Friday, April 16, 2010

Web tools update!

YapYapOK Alexa ranking 708,852.  I am still waiting for todays movement.

I received an email from a company suggesting I take them up on an offer to submit YapYapOK to 450,000 search engines.  Clearly there was a cost and with it a testimonial from a client who attributed his rank success to this company using this process.

I  receive  hundreds of emails like this all the time.   I am always open to ideas on web promotion, having said that most of them get deleted due to the nature of the language.  I may be naive but I am no sucker.  This one caught my eye.  I instantly took the URL from the testimonial and did a quick search on Alexa.  The company ranked over 7 million,  hmmm.

It shouts of poor planning when the costs of email marketing are thwarted by zero back up.  I did not bother to check their own ranking which would have been my next job had the testimonial site ranked well.  Had the first site ranked within the first 100,000 Alexa, I would have liked to see this one at under 50,000.  To consider them further I would  have looked for praise on the public discussions boards.

Today I wanted to give a brief summary of the web tools that YapYapOK has utilised so far.


  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Ning
  4. Posturous
  5. Linkedin
  6. Blogger
  7. My Space
  9. Alexa
  10. Google adword tool
  11. Stumbleupon (SU)
  12. Digg 
  13. Bleet box (BB)
  14. Tweet Adder ( free version)
  15. Google Buzz
  16. Lunch

The first 9 of these I use everyday, I love them.  I use Google adword to help me with one of my paying sites listed below.  SU is great but I have been told off for consistently submitting my own site so will do that through Digg in future.  Digg - great for bypassing direct submissions to SU also submit to Digg, have not been told off...yet.  In that event will use Bleetbox to submit to both SU & Digg.  Preemption of violation means that I have preprepared &, da da da, have a plan..  BB submits to Digg, Digg submits to SU, cant submit to BB as its direct only, I think.  But hey 2 out of 3 ain"t bad.

Tweet Adder free version is wonderful and only surpassed by paying version. Google Buzz & Lunch- I really have given up on these.  There are many more that I have given up on, but my memory does not serve me.

Paid Tools:-

  1. Tweet Adder
  3. Exoclick

Have not thoroughly committed to Exoclick yet.  There is money in the account but if I want to edit some of my ad, eg I wish to change the cost of the click thru I will pay for, it does not hold on to the advert I have carefully placed and I will have to resubmit.  Having said that.  I have researched this company and only seen excellent reports.  Tweet Adder I love and is proving hard to get my Keywords right.  They provide a keyword tool but it is not as deep as google adwords.  I also use the URL off  well ranked sites to see the breakdown of the search terms in Alexa.

Some Keywords  are out performing all expectations which only highlights how poorly some of my others are doing.  That however is down to me to get right.  Apart from that I love it.  It works, its great value and the results are instantly gratifying.  We have resulting ads and huge increase on hits using this alone.  I am anticipating good things with Alexa so thank you ExactSeek, any chance of becoming an affiliate???!!!

Wow a very serious yet appropriate blog in that it reports on where we are using web tools, inappropriate in that I have failed to get in some inbound links.  So please excuse the following, I'm sure you will agree that it is necessary for my SEO.

YapYapOK latest ad Penny Stocks
YapYapOK Restaurant in Paphos Cyprus for sale
YapYapOK free shop hosting
YapYapOK - a new class of classifieds.


Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Twitter is capitalising!

YapYapOK Alexa 708,852 - pulling teeth!

Actually its not so bad, it appears that Alexa have changed their algorithm so there is often a big change in rank.  Clearly that is good when it works in your favour.  To stay still however suggests that we are covering all bases.  We are targeting traffic through advertising, creating inward links, updating content regularly and working the social media.  Should they revert to the old algorithim then we will be at an advantage.

I have seen this happen several times even during my short seo experience.  Webmasters complain that despite attracting more traffic then other sites their rankings have reversed whilst the lesser visited sites climb.

My theory is that this enables newer sites with few visitors and lower budgets to get noticed and thereby create an opportunity to get noticed.  The system must favour commercial enterprise since without it they would be running charities.   For example, take Twitter.  I have been wondering how they work and where they make their money.  I have theorised for a long time that they must be looking long term when they have reachedthe masses before they capitalise.  True enough, they have now announced that they are rolling out sponsored Tweets for businesses.  I have not looked at these fully yet but they appear to stand for everything that Twitter currently opposses.  These sponsered Tweets will be labelled so that all Twitterers can see that they are promotional.  If they are not interesting enough then Twitter will remove them, they can measure this in several ways, one being retweets.   That suggests that most of our Tweets are uninteresting since very few are actually retweeted.  All this will do is create a work force or third party agents who you can sign up to retweet promo tweets on auto to an audience who has no interest in them.  I know that this is not their only measure of successful Tweets but  all measures can be frigged.

favour getting the Twitter following up.  Whilst this traffic is hit and miss it is a numbers game.  The more footfall I get from Tweeting, the more traffic I get.  Since YapYapOK is a sales site, potentially everyone with a computer is a customer.  In the case of YapYapOK it is such a wide audience that it all counts.  I think that if Twitter sold followers, with several attached packages such as locality, subject, numbers and untargeted then that would be a far better way of enabling business to market their product or service.

It would then be up to the individual to opt out of these lists.  Perhaps I am wrong, I wonder if they asked their audience first.  My guess is no.  Twitter marketeers know that to get a decent following usually results in a higher click through.  Consequently we are all searching Google for ways to improve our following.  The results are endless, there are a huge number of Twitter exchanges and Twitter adders, of which I am a fan, that claim to increase your following on auto pilot.  They exist only to appease demand.

I doubt that I will pay to use Twitter.  I think that playing the numbers game will yield better results.  Lets see!

YapYapOK free classifieds
YapYapOK free shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The mint makes it first, it is up to you to make it last

YapYapOK Alexa - unchanged.  I have been clicking furiously on it for the last 3 days waiting for some more positive movement.

It does not make any sense as we have had loads more joining YapYapOK.  On top of that our hit rate is going up....significantly.

I am proud to report that my new ad space on exact search really works.  My first set of keywords were under performing despite having researched them thoroughly.  I only have 5 at the moment but plan to extend them.  Only one of my keywords over performed.  So I changed the other four.  I now have 3 keywords over performing and 2 not doing so well.  I have changed theses and will re assess later.

I am eternally grateful that I did not buy all my keywords at the start.  Now I know what to expect and I have several alternatives up my sleeve so I can approach it logically.  Apart from the stats provided by the search engine.  I can clearly see all paths on my Statcounter.  So it works, I recommend it and my hit rate has increased.... by loads!

So today is a relatively short post.  I am off to create a keyword bank for YapYapOK.  I have a very large to do list so I cannot see it being implemeted until next week.  After all I don't want to purchase them and then not have time to change them.  After all at 13 cents a day, I need them to work!

YapYapOK free classifieds and free shop hosting
YapYapOK - Tweet your ads!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Seeking keywords.....Exactly!

YapYapOK is crawling veeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy slowly now in the hundreds,  726,765 in Alexa!

I am now firmly behind the development process with YapYapOK.  Since we have a multi national audience it made sense to be able to opt for multi currency options.  It must be frustrating for all our US advertisers to either make do with a pound sign or use a currency exchange, we have had a currency converter on the home page but never the less I am certain that this will be met with at least some enthusiasm.

I am currently involved in determining some keywords for an ad campaign.  Unlike google ads, the search term benefits from being a common search term.  This is because the prices are set.  Google adwords cost more for the most popular search terms and puts Google adwords either out of reach or requiring a disproportionate time spent on ascertaining good relevant search terms with low competition.

The campaign I am utilising sets down the prices per keyword with discounts given when you buy more.  It does this by selling only a predetermined number of the same search term.  Common sense prevailed and I used the Google ads search terms to discover keysearch terms and bought these via my alternative search engine.  Clearly it makes sense to buy all the terms you require to reserve them for your campaign, particularly as the numbers available are very low.  The search engine is called 

The purpose of ExactSeek is that for internet browsers it gives more relevent results.  I am not sure how successful it is but having looked at its Alexa rankings its clearly getting alot of traffic.  If the algorithm is delivering the browser to concise sites, I for one would prefer to utilise this search engine than scrolling through pages of irrelevant results. 

YapYapOK is provided with analytics which clearly illustrates the success of the individual term.  For each term you can provide a different description and a different URL.  This is great for a site like YapYapOK which has very different topic areas.  It means that instead of having a one description fits all, I can determine relevent description for that key term and direct them to the correct page of the site, ie searches for cars now go direct to the motoring section.

Its so easy to use that I can see which terms are bringing instant results and which ones are not working.  It is a doddle to edit and within seconds of having a low click through rate I can change it to optimise my hit rate.  My aim is to get all my search terms delivering at least 20 clicks per term each.  This will really push me up the ranks.  Currently one of my search terms is on overdrive and has delivered far in excess of this in under the 24 hours.  I can also see my under acheivers which I will be changing as soon as I have finished this.  I anticipate that within 2 weeks will see these optimised properly.

Each keyword costs $4 per month (discounted for more terms or commitment), that's less than 13 cents a day of relevant traffic.   Since there is no pay per click, you will not suffer fraudulant clicks or budgets getting out of control.
The only fault I have of the system currently is that your URL is hidden.  If you want to have your title in the description then you better hope that your name is short as you are compromising your description due to limited characters.

So whilst I am hailing the virtues of a great new cost effective and affordable system, I better get my ass in gear and optimise my key words  before everyone else does.

YapYapOK a new class of classifieds.

YapYapOK free shop hosting.

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dogs have owners, cats have staff

YapYapOK  Alexa ranking 727,955

I am a big animal lover.  Adverts for pets do get more exposure than others and as I have identified this, I suppose I will need to do something about it.  However when you get adverts like this for Yorkshire Terrier Puppies its hard not to give it more web space.  I was wondering why so many of the puppies on the site are dressed up.  I came to the conclusion that its because puppies are now seen as fashion accessories. Ever since it girls like Paris Hilton began being photographed with chihuahas they are being sought the world over.  How else can you explain the extreme prices that they now command, give me a labrador any day.

I am not a huge fan of terriers, I am pretty anti Jack Russells having had the misfortune of living next door to them twice.  But Yorkshire Terriers are different.  I am unable to articulate their appeal but I love them. 

For the first time in my life I don't have any pets, except for tortoises but its hardly the same.  I lost my cat who I had  for 19 years, he was a real joy.  He was my first cat.  I had, as a child grown up with dogs but never had one of my own as I have always worked.  Cats have the same loyalty as dogs but without the responsibility.

My cat was not a hunter so I was not given to grisly presents when I returned from work.  Instead he used to raid neighbors washing lines and I would have to  redistribute the laundry on a very regular basis.  He could manage large items and then run and jump into the top window dragging the clothes with him.  I miss him and I miss not having an pet.

I want desperately to have another animal but since we are moving in the hopefully not too distant future it makes sense to wait.

I am currently trying a number of advertising avenues to promote the YapYapOK brand further.  We will start some aggressive campaigns when the Alexa gets below 400,000 and we have more site population.   It makes sense to have all the categories at least populated to some extent and we have a real requirement for car adverts and job vacancies.  The pets and animal category is probably our most successful.

To promote your products or services, join now.  Its free to join and free to list.  Private or businesses welcome on YapYapOK free shop hosting and classified website.  See you there!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Food is an important part of a balanced diet

YapYapOK Alexa 727,935.  Growth very small but growth nontheless!

Last night I watched an interview of Jamie Oliver on the Oprah show.

Jamie Oliver deserves his success more than anyone else on tv.  Why? Because he keeps giving back, even in the face of adversity.  He started with Fifteen, then he went on to school dinners.  What was most surprising was the resilience that Jamie had from the parents of these school children.  Clearly they were too lazy to educate their childrens palate.  If that was me I would welcome someone elses efforts. 

He shines not just in his actions but in his non judgement.  He never criticises, on the contrary he excuses them and pushes them onwards with  kindness.  I don't have his qualities. 

I remember a conversation I had with my sons health visitor when my son was little.  She was leaving the profession and I had lent on her a couple of times and found her very supportive.  I expressed sadness at her departure. 
"The problem is Tammy, you don't see my job from the other side.  The strain is enormous and their are too many parents that don't care.  On top of that I am now expected to stand outside supermarkets preaching the virtues of fruit and veg.  I mean there is not a person alive that doesn't already know what they should be eating and what they should be feeding their children. I didnot study so hard to end up handing out leaflets to the ignorant"

I agree with this, hence my lack of empathy.  The only real argument I could see for feeding children rubbish was when the parents on the poverty line were able to buy pizza at 50 cents each.   However it all comes down to priorities.  Its fine to compromise diet occassionally, so long as it does not become the norm.

I wish that their were more Jamie Oliver's in the world.  I wish I could be more like him.  One of the things he mentioned was that there had been several generations of parents who had done food badly.  He was lucky to have come from a family of foodies.  I suppose that I too was lucky as my mother is an excellent, (qualified) chef.  Perhaps without this direction I may have ended up more like the subjects of his shows.

Hmm a little empathy perhaps.

YapYapOK recipe forum will now be a priority for me. I will start pricing up some of them too.  Please feel free to publish any recipes that you have.  You will notice that my recipes are not diet food.  They are however balanced and made with fresh produce.

YapYapOK shop hosting and free classified website

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage. Lettuce pray

YapYapOK Alexa 733,584.

Desperate to get below 500,000 now.  I am allowing a little over 2 weeks for that.

My blog has been put off whilst I was having a disaster in the kitchen.  A good friend is coming over for dinner this evening so I am preparing a mousaka, roast tomato salad and bread.  It started off OK.  My aubergines were grilled in olive oil, untill I started eating them and had to prepare some more.  I removed the lamb from the fridge to find that I only had 500g, my recipe calls for 750g (see mousaka on the YapYapOK recipe forum), I wanted 1 kilo, (he's a big eater) and I was hoping to have some left over for tomorrow as we are off on another mammoth walk.

My frustration commanded that I immediately call my husband to ask "HOW MUCH LAMB DID I ASK YOU TO GET" ?
"1/2 kilo"
"NO, I checked at the butcher I called and you said 1/2 a kilo"
Cross, I put the phone down.  You know that moment when realisation dawns and you know he's right.  I meekly called back with an apology and my excuse.  Thats what happens when they change from one bloody measuring system to another.  My brain is too full to think this out properly.

The next disaster was when I finely chopped the celery.  Something soft and squishy and only some of it identifiable.  Since I had clearly finely minced whatever maggotty thing it was I had to start again.  I then forgot to add the peppers ( I never forget ingredients), so I have resorted to finely slicing them coating them in seasoning and olive oil and laying on top of the mince mixture to bake before I stir them in.  The mix is a mix as I resorted to 250g of minced pork to bulk it out.  It will be fine.

I have always added grated carrot and celery to mince mixtures, its great to create a stock within the dinner but also to feed vegetable adverse toddlers.  They develope a palate for vegatables without really knowing it.  Having said that we never have bland boiled veg so I hope that Henry would have developed a taste for them anyway.  I am evangelical about nutrition, in so much that we always have balanced food.  That way we can have treats without feeling guilty.  I also think that natural produce is better than the alternatives.  I wouldn't even bake a cake with margerine.  We adore all dairy to the fullest, our butter bill is higher than any smokers cigerette spend. 

My family have a history of serious heart disease, so you may consider this irresponsible, but I have had all the blood tests and my good and bad cholesterol are only outstanding in how good they are.  I am convinced that this is because of balance.  We eat full fat products with plenty of veg, olive oil and alcohol.  No preservatives, or as few as possible.  I never buy jars of anything.  Tinned pulses and tomatoes are all fine.  If my son has a coke which he is allowed twice a week, it cannot be diet with poisonous aspartame.  My god I sound like a Sargent major.

I am a control freak.  I hate Henry eating at other peoples houses too often if they eat junk.  I hope he meets and marries an excellent cook who has the same values regarding feeding her family, yes of course he will cook too.  Nutrition is the most fundamental and important thing a parent provides.  I would consider myself a failure as a mother if I did not provide or ensure this was provided for my son.

Its also incredibly selfish not to enhance your childs palate.  I cannot tell you how many times I have other peoples kids over for tea and we have to re evaluate and compromise our evening meal.

Wow this maybe a little provocative.  if you don't agree, please dont comment.  I will take it personally.  Just the other day I received an email from Stumble Upon to say I have spammed them.  It upset me all evening.

For more recipes which I intend to add to soon, go to the YapYapOK recipe forum
YapYapOK free classified and shop hosting.

And for links and luck and alexa - YapYapOK

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blah blah blah

YapYapOK still at 755,640.  Its still early so it may climb a bit more.

Since I have decided to be a little topical then I am pleased to report that Liverpool and Fulham are through to the semi finals of the Europa cup, our last hopes in Europe.  I can't ellaborate on this as my football knowledge is restricted to the roars and curses of my family from the next room.  The only time I suffer it is if I can elicit  a back massage simultaneously.  This is usually ruined by sudden chanting or the like so I retire to the next room.  The masters started yesterday.  In many ways this is better since I am not subjected to the same sporadic outbursts, the negative is the monotone commentary and the length of time it is on.  Fortunately for me last night I indulged in a chick flick starring Hilary Swank film whilst my boys watched live streaming from the study.

I am on a part day as I intend to do some grocery shopping and then play tennis with my son.  My husband has a knee injury so is currently operating as coach barking instruction from the tram lines.  Tennis instruction from some one you know well is a little like getting driving instruction from your parents, the recipient is often torn between grateful appreciation of the time dedicated and frustration which often results in a show down.

Driving the YapYapOK rankings at this stage requires a surge of energy and I am considering adsense.  I have steered away from this up to now but thinks that now may be the time.  Its not so much budget as knowledge.  I have a past experience which thinking about it makes me shudder.  My old account was semi permanently suspended.  To understand the system requires time and patience, neither of which I have in spades.  Accounts are suspended for rule violation and the rules are difficult to comprehend.  I received a marketing email the other day from a company which would do all this for me at a competitive price.  I "filed" the mail somewhere and cant find it, ahhhh.

In truth I would prefer a more straightforward system.  So I will dedicate the next couple of hours to researching online marketing and feedback next week.

YapYapOK needs a few more links in this mail, so please forgive the spam.  I promise to make a better effort next week with some original content.  YapYapOK free advertising!

YapYapOK free classifieds and shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Which side of the fence are you on!

YapYapOK Alexa 755,640, slowly slowly, but still in the right direction. 

YapYapOK had a huge jump yesterday of nearly 40k places.  It means that we may be under 700k on sunday.  Clearly this is still a tall order but I reckon the odds are better than Labour staying  in power after may.

This in no way is indicative of my political preference.  i would rather abstain from revealing that.  It has changed from time to time and was at its strongest when William Hague was party leader for the conservatives.  I doubt that there was ever a more genuine or charismatic representative for any party in British politics.  I think  that he gave himself up for public service with the sole intent of putting the British people first.

The current issues surrounding the spending of public money with outlandish expenses, particularly with second homes, stinks of fraud.  What other career can you relocate and keep properties without paying for them.  Clearly expenses have been going on pre Labour and has been taken advantage of by nearly all politicians irrelevant of party politics.  It does however hit home more powerfully when this abuse stands in economically challenging times.  The benifits of the citizens of the UK are the politicians and those on benefits.

I strongly agree with a social system. Helping the socially disadvantaged is what makes us unique.  However when the balance is shifted so that it becomes a life choice to have the state provide then that must be indicative of poor distribution of funds. 

The problem with a poorly balanced mismanaged social system is that rarely those who are in need get the help they require.  Those who know how to strip the system fleece it.  Taxes need to be raised to pay for this.  Penalised tax payers often leave to pay there taxes in to country where they can enjoy fewer taxes.  Companies forced to pay minimum wages can no longer compete in the UK and before you know it the UK has no economy left.

Couple this with unions commanding higher pay and the destruction continues.  Companies are being held to ransom by unions which will no doubt see them sold off to foreign entities or worse folded.  If I owned Easy Jet, would I hire an ex British Airways employee.  Maybe I need some time to think about that.  How dare anyone have that power over any business, worse, how dare they use that power when they are fortunate to even hold a job in the current climate.  So more unemployment, more taxes to facilitate a higher social system and the self destruction continues, except of course for the politicains who continue to "rob" the little money left in the coffers.

Hmmm maybe I didn't hide my political leaning as much as I'd have liked.

So I have simplified my understanding of the system.  I know it to be far more complex.  Even so, the simple law of maths and balancing equations stands.  Less tax payers in supporting more in the social system equals debt.  By all means take some help when you needed,but work for it.  I bet less peolple would claim state benefit if they had menial work to do.  Have as many children as you want, but please, don't expect me to continue paying for it!!

YapYapOK is a free advertising website with no political preference.  It exists to provide a free resource to help you sell your stuff.  Since we do have a payment gateway we are not under any obligation to provide Alistair with details of any transactions, after all we dont know what your selling.  Businesses are obligated to declare tax to the Inland revenue as governed by UK tax law. 

Heavy, well some of my posts have been bland and lacking personality lately.  So I have stepped off  the fence and await the backlash.  Please be gentle with me.

YapYapOK free classified and shop hosting - wont report you to Alistair!

YapYapOK a few less links inspired this one!!!!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What goes around comes around

I am a big believer of karma.

My husband thinks I am a martyr, but I have always beleived that  most people are basically good.  That changed today when a friend sent me some news reports with some pictures of some of the barbaric crimes occurring all the time in South Africa.   I am not talking about murder, it is far worse than that.  I am unsure if the situation can be resolved when there is so much venom.

The problem with hate is that it never brings resolution.  It takes strength and courage to say sorry and it takes intelligence to see rational and perspective.  Having said that I don"t believe that i would be capable of these attributes faced with similar circumstances.

The problem with being human is that we are so flawed.  Expectations of each other can sometimes exceed either capability or circumstance.  Judgements are made too readily without fully understanding any situation.

I don't pretend to have a full handle on what is occurring in SA.  I  do however see depravity in the extreme when these animals are capable of inflicting so much pain upon others.  I have no comprehension of how one human being can inflict such gross and inhumane treatment to another.   I have never seen myself capable of hatred but it would not take this much suffering to change this.

Having said that I am so over protective of my son.  I would willingly fight all his battles if I thought that would help him.  Obviously I know that by involving myself unnecessarily in his battles I am not equipping him with some of the tools he will need to get on as an adult.  Clearly as a parent it is my job to protect him from unnecessary and dangerous persuits.  Thats is why I made him promise a very solemn promise, (when he was 7) that he will never do skydiving, bungie, rock climbing, smoke, ride a motorbike or any other activity which I deem detrimental to his wellbeing.

I remind him of this promise often enough for him to know I did not make it up when he was too young to remember.

Anyway, soooo off topic, the Alexa trick is working.  YapYapOK is currently ranked at 766,389 with a UK rank of 102,504.  That is a tremendous jump of practically 34k over night.  My target for this week is to be under 700,000 by Sunday.  If we can jump 100,000 each week then we should be under 100,000 within 7 weeks.  That is a tall order since it gets harder and harder to climb the further up you go.

High rankings brings increased visits.  This is perpetual motion as increased visits bring higher rankings.  Clearly this will have an effect on YapYapOK site earnings.  Our ethos at YapYapOK is to support and help others, fortunately as a private entity we do not have a duty to shareholders.  We hope to inextricably link the brand YapYapOK to compassionate causes.  Our long term plans may seem a little far fetched to publish at this stage of the business.  However we do hope to implement regular giftings as part of the company policy.   

Now what did I say about karma??!!!

YapYapOK free classified and free shop hosting

The whole of humanity is one human family. This planet is our only home.  
His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Monday, April 5, 2010

A brief look at rank.

YapYapOK update

Alexa global ranking is 800,158  UK ranking is 140,000.  We are 750,000 from our goal.   YapYapOK now has 3800 Twitter followers.  I could get more but fear that I will suffer permanent suspension if I do.  Since all ads go tp Tweet and often end up in relevant  feeds on relevant websites that would be a real blow.

The YapYapOK riddles forum is proving to be very popular and we are getting some great hits on that now.  We put a lot out to Twitter and the click through rate is gratifying.  Granted its a bit of a cheat to get the hit rate up but we did not want to suffer on hits over the bank holiday when fewer people would be uploading products. 

Currently we are cheating our way up through the rankings.  Our hit rate is helped along very nicely through Twitter but we do not have enough traffic to warrant such a great jump.  There are variuos other tricks I am using which also seem to be working, I have yet to reveal these as they are a little out of my control and I am a little low on participation particularly since I cant very well reveal it on Facebook.

The advantage to having a good ranking is that our site now comes up organically through the search engines.  Usually when someone enters a search term for one of our ads.  Clearly the more ads we get - the more search terms and the more traffic.

I am off for a YapYapOK meeting to discuss further improvements to the site.  I played a little tennis yesterday so meetings is probably all I am good for.

YapYapOK free Classified and shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

You gotta be in it to win it!

Easter Monday 2010!

Fortunately I dont have a very sweet tooth, in fact I'd rather have a sandwich, unfortunately I quite like chips in that sandwich but hey.  Not to say I don't love chocolate.  I like to keep a bar of Green and Blacks or Lindt dark mint or ginger or bitter orange in the fridge.  Maybe once or twice a week I indulge in just one square.  Problem is I rarely get my one square when it gets spotted by my son.  My husband also eats it when he sleep walks and I find the empty wrapper in the fridge normally when I am most looking forward to it.

Henry really wanted some new trainers as an Easter present.  He is only 9 years old but since he is a size 4 we had to buy adults size.  The price was quite literally double.  Unfortunately he asked for these a couple of days before Easter so my chance of buying online were shafted.  Having had a shop I understand that it is difficult to make ends meet, particularly during economically challenging times.  This is precisely the reason we set up a free website.  Internet shopping will never replace high street stores.  Consumer confidence is lower on the net when you are unsure of after service.  If the prices are competitive then it may become a calculated risk for buyers.  The more success we have on internet sales, the more we "risk" on future purchases.

It makes sense to have an online shop and an internet presence.  Having traveled this path, i know how expensive and time consuming this can be.  YapYapOK provides  an opportunity to enable retailers to create their own online shop completely free of charge.   Owners of online websites know only too well, that you can have the best all singing all dancing site at the most competitive prices, but if your rankings are low, or your budgets are limited then you will not get any "footfall".  The nuts and bolts of operating an e-commerce site don't vary much from the high street.  The more money you have in securing your position or marketing yourself to the masses, the better your chances of getting traffic.  Remember your footfall is potentially massive, but so is your competition.  You are no longer competing with one or two other book shops in the town, there will be millions of them.  All selling the same books at vastly discounted prices.  Some will have been established for years.

This is the benefit of selling on popular listing sites such as Amazon and Ebay.  They do all that marketing for you, thus increasing customers to your store.   This is an expensive way to sell and if your prepared to lower your marjins to attract more customers then it will probably work well.  The down side of this of course is that you will need to work harder or to bring in the same amount of money. 

YapYapOK is the gap in the internet market.  Our rankings are growing every day and we work 7 days a week marketing our site on your behalf.  Ours is a use it without learning it, site.  There are full picture galleries and embed video options.  Individual products have  a dedicated page, check out this ad for The Identity Project, the more products you have the more exposure you get, simple!

YapYapOK offers free shop hosting which we hope will enable competitive pricing, but thats your choice.  With no internet costs, marjins can be realistically lower and still allow you the business owner to make a good profit.  After all you are doing all the work, why shouldn't you?

YapYapOK free shop hosting and classified website
, you gotta be in!!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Saturday, April 3, 2010

If you’re too open-minded, your brains will fall out.

Easter Sunday

Last night was very late as we watched all the Easter celebrations in the village.  They don't start until 12.00 and they last for about an hour after the bonfire and the fireworks.

Its really better to stay awake and watch them, than sleep through them.  Its always very magical with the church service, the candlelit procession, oh and the firecracker fights which can be quite extreme.

Since its Easter I thought I would share something with you.  The other night whilst I was tossing and turning a very odd thing happened to me, it was very (too) fast and unnerving but I was looking at myself and my husband from above.  

Now I am not sure where my beliefs lie with this.  Astral projection seems too far fetched, particularly having researched the subject since.  Another explanation given to me was that I was looking to myself for answers and it is the mind that plays tricks on you when you are in deep thought.  This seems much more logical and perhaps one I choose to go with.  I'm very open minded in what may exist beyond what we can see.  However, personally, this was way out of my comfort zone.

YapYapOK has not moved in rankings since yesterday.  We have had some more great adverts placed including this one for line dancing qualifying event featuring world famous dancers. Also another for swingers, sorry jive and swing social evenings.   So the site is continuing to draw more traffic and more importantly more ads, day and night.

I am off to pack a picnic as we are going off for another marathon walk,  Actually its only about 5 miles but it is very difficult terrain climbing mountains and fording rivers.

Happy egg hunting!

YapYapOK free classified and shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Instructions on how to post a free ad!

Easter Saturday!

My son Henry has a tennis tournament coming up at the end of the month.   My husband has done something top his knee, and although he tends to not let these things get in his way it has become a problem doing exercise.  Hmm, so not to let the team down I have stepped up to the mark.

I have never been particularly sporty.  I was always the one at school who would spend more energy avoiding sport than if I had actually taken part.   Last year I started tennis for fear of becoming a tennis widow.  I would not have seen my husband or my son if I hadn't joined in.

It came as a great surprise to actually enjoy it, helped of course by the athletic young tennis coaches at the local academy.  Unfortunately YapYapOK has taken so much of my time during the past 12 months that I had stopped playing.  It has become easier to work than make time for tennis.  Consequently several tennis sessions this week has left me barely able to move and shattered.

I have surprised myself by containing the skills  I had picked up during Henrys coaching.  Henry is an excellent player.  He has great coordination, listens and implemeents his skills and is fast and strong on the court.  He won his first ever tournament never losing more than 3 sets in a game of 9.

This time the age limit is different.  He is only 9 and will be playing against 12 year olds.  All of them are professionally coached every week and Henry only attends once a month.  ±He is not expected to win but is expected to learn.  As a mother I am concerned that he will become demoralised.  This happened in his first golf tournament, he fully expected to take a trophy against older more experienced players.  He had only been in an academy for a few weeks, with no prior experience.  We saw it as an opportunity to play a course.

This put him off golf as he could not see himself winning.  He has only played one tournament since and failed to place in that one too.  He continues to play at the academy and has now moved up to the advanced group, often driving a ball 200 yards  with reasonable accuracy.

Today I am sitting catching up with my blog whilst they are at the academy.  We had many free adverts placed on YapYapOK during yesterday and last nignt. YapYapOK rankings are now at 844,994.  I had hoped that they would be below 800,000 before tomorrow but this is unlikely as we have only jumped 150,00 in 6 days.  Last weeks jump was an excess of 300,000 points so we have jumped less than half of that.

The further up you climb the harder it becomes, we are really relying on some great traffic now.  So if you have anything to sell, register.  It takes seconds.  Activate your email by clicking on the link.  If your email is not in your inbox, check your spam or junk file.  Thats it, your ready to post!

To post and ad

1 Click on Post an ad on the top bar
2 Select category
3 Fill in Title, keywords ( eg if its a book, then title and auth...or,
maybe fiction, bestseller) Price and optional description and opt embed
video and save
4 A category and images tab will come up and you can click on the
category tab, select further categories and sub categories and click,
and save. Images are optional and you can upload and save.

So if your bored this Eater weekend, and lets face it, your reading my blog, have a go.  Join the fun and get Yapping!

YapYapOK free classified and free shop hosting

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Good Friday 2010

Good Friday = another mufty/poker day!

There seems to be alot of days off in April and I'm unsure how this will impact on my rankings.  So I have decided to continue building inlinks to the UK best classified site.

We should have had our new ads appearing but we are having some hiccups with the code.  I hope that they will be cleared up by today.  Having said that not everyone works over Easter weekend, it may be that we require the help of the company so maybe my optimism is a little stretched.

YapYapOK has been climbing in the ranks but it is now getting harder as our other established sites have the advantage over us.  Help us, register and place an ad.  Alternatively you can promote and link to your blog on our Yap Your Blog Forum.

To register on YapYapOK, simply click on the register button on the top left.  Fill in required spaces.  Check your inbox, or in some cases your spam or junk file and activate your email.

Thats it, your ready to post.
1  Post an ad on the top bar
2  Select category
3  Fill in Title, keywords ( eg if its a book, then title and author, maybe fiction, bestseller) Price and optional description and opt embed video and save
4  A catagory  and images tab will come up and you can click on the category tab, select further categories and sub categories and click, and save.  Images are optional and you can upload and save.

Ads take less than a few minutes to upload and will intitially appear on the front page of YapYapOK.

YapYapOK free shop hosting and free classified

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Never put off untill tomorrow what you can avoid altogether

This is a quickie for in links to the best UK classified site

I once remember a good friend of mine asking what drives me, I remember answering that its because I am lazy.  She replied that I was the least lazy person I know.

Not true I am lazy, but with a plan.  I work hard so that I don't have to later.  I am 20 years on still waiting for later but I anticipate it coming soon.

Dont get me wrong, doing nothing is not all its cracked up to be either.  I know, I once went through a stage in my life where I had a few months not working. The bliss in the beginning was  great, but lets face it.  There is only so much Jeremy Kyle anyone can stomach.  I watched Jeremy Kyle out of curiosity, then because it gave me a superiority complex.  I mean any one who goes on the show must know that they will look like morons and we all feel so much cleverer (is that a word) than them!

I would at this point like to acknowledge my brother Shane for his input on the riddle forum.  A few have driven me nuts, and some were very easy.  Some I don't get even with the answers.  He also just put his Pentax camera on the site,  Shane if your looking I Twittered it to my thousands.

We continue to draw global traffic and with this comes the adverts.  By my next blog there will be adverts all over YapYapOK.  I spent some of yesterday choosing the format in keeping with YapYapOK.  My developer and I will be uploading either today or tomorrow.

YapYapOK free shop hosting and free classifieds

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site