YapYapOK Free ClassifiedsWe would like to express our apologies for any disruption to the YapYapOK Free Ads website. This is due to a change of our server provider..The process has been seamless, however for anyone who may have been posting or registering their may be a requirement to do it again. Alternatively just get in touch and we will do it for you.The other issue regarding server change over is the potential for SERP dropping. I am unsure if this is something dreamed up by the host providers but even one independent server engineer suggested the same thing. The host is still located in the UK so I hope that any change will be minimal. I would also like to express our thanks to Nick Tekhoi who was responsible for the migration of the server. Nothing was any trouble and he personally dealt with the host company keeping communication open all the time. I got Nicks details from People Per Hour. Due to time constraints we were faced with needing someone to carry out the work urgently. Hence price was less of an issue than it may have been. I stipulated that accuracy and speed were paramount and that price was not what would win the job.Within minutes there were several applicants, however Nick stood out with his portfolio, skill sets and feedback. I also really wanted someone from the UK since I have had issues trying to communicate with someone who's English is their second language or if they are on a different time zone. It took very little considering when I accepted his quote. From placing the advert to completing was less than 24 hours.I strongly recommend People Per Hour for outsourcing. Unless you are confident that you can communicate a complex requirement then you need to be wary of some of the cheaper labour. Due to hiring skill sets directly it is still highly likely that you will save money using UK workers.
On that note, I am off to SERP!YApYapOK Free ADs - Performing better - getting bigger!
On that note, I am off to SERP!YApYapOK Free ADs - Performing better - getting bigger!
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