Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why Google?

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Working on high competition keywords is hugely time consuming.  There are some experts who recommend that you should not bother with high competition since duration of site plays too big a part and Google will always priorities them.  The problem with neglecting high competition is that sooner or later it needs addressing and you can find yourself 2 years down the line placing for lesser value words that yield too few visits.  To some extent we did that with Free Classifieds and ignored Free Ads.  It has taken a massive amount of concentrated effort to place for it.

I have worked with many different sites now.  New and established, competitive and not.   I have managed to get all non competitive keywords to page 1 within just a few weeks, one came in under a week and another very general keyword in under 2 weeks.

By general I mean there are hundreds of thousands of sites specialising in the same thing.  So how did we do it so quickly?

Lets say I was working with an antiques dealer.  Its pretty specialised.  To deal in antiques you need to know what your buying so that you can profit.  Antiques dealers spend a great deal of time running their business but don't really understand SEO, much less give away valuable resources to support it.  Hence placing in this industry at the top of Google is really very easy, even though many have an international sales base and therefore massive competition.

I have worked with several specialised sites now.  One was a local service so creating a location specific keyword enabled her to place at number 1 position with very little work.

For example if you needed a plumber in Cardiff.  Unlikely you would search Google for Plumber since your results would not be relevant and you would spend too long looking through the pages.  If on the other hand you typed "Plumber Cardiff" then youir results will be more specific.

Therefore if you are a plumber in Cardiff with a website, then getting to number one means that you have very little competition and should manage it with ease.

Clearly I am also working with high competition general sites whereby the areas of specialism are in marketing.  Hence placing against some of the other established sites is incredibly difficult.  Not least because of the large budgets they have in comparison to our very non existent one.

So why do we concentrate on Google?  Well it is the largest search engine with the most specific results.  SEO is therefore logical.  I am  fairly certain that by following a broader range of SEO techniques as well as some blackhat methods would result in better results in placing however I also think that would be detrimental to Google SERP.

Many run off the back of Google so playing to the Google tune will ultimately see results in the smaller search engines too.  Our stats are certainly suggesting this.  While 90% of our traffic is generated from Google, we are now seeing results from Bing, Ask Jeeves, AOL and Yahoo.

We will continue to implement specific whitehat SEO unless Google  becomes less important. Frankly, I can't see that happening.

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