YapYapOK Free Classifieds
I have used Fiverr alot in the past for SEO services. The new Google Panda means that much of it is surplus since replicating and link spamming via directories etc hold less value. To search for a gig its important to check out and see if the provider is using Google friendly techniques. Then its necessary to check out the feedback.Since feedback is usually done after gig deliver then the effectiveness of the gig is unknown. There is no option to change it later to give the provider either a bigger thumbs up or even a thumbs down.Those who don't understand SEO are often frustrated that their site hasn't climbed to the top of the search engines instantly - they give negative feedback which scews the results. The only way of seeing how anyone has rated the gig is to see how many repeat orders it has. Again anyone understanding SEO knows that repeating a gig can be detrimental particularly if it involves anchor text links on the same pages that they already have links on. The exception to this is if they have multiple sites to promote, however this is often impossible to determine.So I was delighted to come across Facebook page whereby someone has created a fan page for Killer Gigs. This creates transparent discussions at any time after the gig to share how it has performed. Clearly it can be open to abuse from sellers themselves who will promote their own gigs but if there is enough of a follow then their buyers will be able to add their experiences.I really hope this takes off, it will save hours of sorting the wheat from the chaff - there is a lot of chaff. We put up with it since the charges are small. Small charges do add up though and it is easy to see how you can spends 100's of dollars on crappy gigs which give no results at all and may even get you "sandboxed". So inevitably I have returned to the Fiverr experience. Not for YapYapOK Classifieds, we rank pretty well now so just continuing what we are doing will hopefully be enough to maintain position with major keywords and grow some of the minor ones. Ads being one!YapYapOK Free Ads
I have used Fiverr alot in the past for SEO services. The new Google Panda means that much of it is surplus since replicating and link spamming via directories etc hold less value. To search for a gig its important to check out and see if the provider is using Google friendly techniques. Then its necessary to check out the feedback.Since feedback is usually done after gig deliver then the effectiveness of the gig is unknown. There is no option to change it later to give the provider either a bigger thumbs up or even a thumbs down.Those who don't understand SEO are often frustrated that their site hasn't climbed to the top of the search engines instantly - they give negative feedback which scews the results. The only way of seeing how anyone has rated the gig is to see how many repeat orders it has. Again anyone understanding SEO knows that repeating a gig can be detrimental particularly if it involves anchor text links on the same pages that they already have links on. The exception to this is if they have multiple sites to promote, however this is often impossible to determine.So I was delighted to come across Facebook page whereby someone has created a fan page for Killer Gigs. This creates transparent discussions at any time after the gig to share how it has performed. Clearly it can be open to abuse from sellers themselves who will promote their own gigs but if there is enough of a follow then their buyers will be able to add their experiences.I really hope this takes off, it will save hours of sorting the wheat from the chaff - there is a lot of chaff. We put up with it since the charges are small. Small charges do add up though and it is easy to see how you can spends 100's of dollars on crappy gigs which give no results at all and may even get you "sandboxed". So inevitably I have returned to the Fiverr experience. Not for YapYapOK Classifieds, we rank pretty well now so just continuing what we are doing will hopefully be enough to maintain position with major keywords and grow some of the minor ones. Ads being one!YapYapOK Free Ads
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