Completely off topic! I have had a frustrating evening and then morning. I dropped my MAC wireless mouse on the floor and it broke into several pieces rendering it useless. My wireless Mac keyboard has been going through batteries at an alarming rate, they seem to coincide with the mouse and so there are never enough batteries in the charger. I dont know who thought of wireless keyboards or mice but they need braining. If you do any amount of work on a computer they always seem to run out of batteries at the least opportune moment eg in the middle of a very important skype call when you are exchanging files.I was anticipating a long and expensive wait for some new mac accessories, so it was a pleasant surprise to see that my mac is compatable with both my mouse and keyboard from my PC. The good luck vibe is still holding and I am never getting wireless again.This is actually not my first wireless disaster. My last PC the sony VA10, which I love, came with a wireless keyboard. At the time I was not working full time on computers so the battery problem really was not an issue. What was an issue was that after my son split his drink on the keyboard, and despite me taking off every key and cleaning it with alcohol, it was ruined. This was not compatible with anything other than another sony VA10 and cost £100 to replace plus the inconvenient 7 days it took to arrive!I love griping when the moment has passed. It reminds me that I have very little to gripe about. I refrain from griping immediately after any disapointing event. It only sounds negative, and no one wants to be a part of that. I also refrain from retaliating in an argument or complaining to anyone else. After all that is when you are most heated and likely to say things you will regret.I was not always been so disciplined, this has come with age and experience. I suspect that I am now more patient and tolerant of people too. I once worked in mental health and have a fair understanding of how depression can affect rational and personality. I am more likely to see an angry person as an unhappy one and can therefore make allowances.What I don't understand is when people yield power just because they can. I have experienced it twice recently, from the most unexpected sources. It hurt most because they were people who we held in very high regard. But life has a way of working things out and help came from where we least expected it. I consider myself a very lucky person. I have a very supportive family, I am happily married to the most tolerant man and I am also incredibly proud of my happy go lucky son.My friends must be the best that there are, some I have not seen for years , but the internet helps me keep in touch. The support and feedback that I have received are so motivating and productive.So in a hail of trumpets, I am off to count my numerous blessings before emotion gets the better of me.YapYapOK free shop hosting and free classifieds
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