Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Free UK classified site

Yap Yap OK is a free UK classified site promoting free advertising for personal sales including high price items such as cars and houses.

In addition we are offering free shop hosting for businesses in every category from antique classifieds to adult classified listings for a limited time valid for 12 months, no obligation.

Pet shops and breeders can advertise classifieds with animals and pet supplies. Car lots, estate agents, clothes shops and business opportunities can all be found on this new free UK classified.

Items can be showcased using up to 6 pictures with generous descriptive text. If you have a promotional video with an embed link you can add it to your classified advertisement to enhance your listing. All new ads will appear on the front page with drop down descriptive text for easy navigation.

Publishing an ad is easy. First you must register and click on the activation email. Then post an ad and the easy editor will guide you through the ad step by step. Embeding a video link is optional but if you have one for your product it is a good idea to use it. Its free and show cases your items in a visually dynamic format which enhances sales. If you have a property for sale then video has been shown to be increase buyer interest and bring more potential buyers in through your door.

The title is will also be the drop down text link on your advert. Make this descriptive accurate and try to use something to draw the customer in to your ad. Eg think about the USP (unique selling point) of your product. It may be the view from a house, the low mileage of a car, its green credentials, more simply it may just be the price.

Description, this forms the body of the advert and is viewed on the right of the advert. Try to think of all the things that make your product sell. Again use USPs, prices or reference to increase a potential buyers interest.

Deciding which category to list is simple, just highlight the subcategory and press the arrow next to it to confirm. Should your item be suitable for several categories then simple list as many relevent ones to increase visibility on the site.

Yap Yap Ok will resize large pictures automatically so that you don't have to. If you wish you can reduce the size to speed up the loading process. Adverts can be loaded within a couple of minutes from start to finish if the sizes are managable including video linking.

Finally, editing your ad later can be done through the My Yap Yap system and viewing all your active ads. Alternatively you can edit whilst viewing the advert provided you are logged in and that the ad is your own. Our system will recognise you as the advert poster and you can see a button "edit my ad" which will take you staright in to the editor!

For navigation we have a picture gallery & a multi function wishlist to save any ad you ay be interested in viewing later.

Payment is arranged between buyer & seller. Paypal is a safe option which is linked to email and can be done by simply paying an email address the amount agreed in the purchase.

Make Yap Yap OK yours. We are customer lead, if there is some thing else that you would like to see, let us know. We answer all emails and if your request is viable and deemed appropriate we will implement them!

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Yap Yap OK is a free UK classified site promoting free advertising for personal sales including high price items such as cars and houses.

In addition we are offering free shop hosting for businesses in every category from antique classifieds to adult classified listings for a limited time valid for 12 months, no obligation.

Pet shops and breeders can advertise classifieds with animals and pet supplies. Car lots, estate agents, clothes shops and business opportunities can all be found on this new free UK classified.

Items can be showcased using up to 6 pictures with generous descriptive text. If you have a promotional video with an embed link you can add it to your classified advertisement to enhance your listing. All new ads will appear on the front page with drop down descriptive text for easy navigation.

Publishing an ad is easy. First you must register and click on the activation email. Then post an ad and the easy editor will guide you through the ad step by step. Embeding a video link is optional but if you have one for your product it is a good idea to use it. Its free and show cases your items in a visually dynamic format which enhances sales. If you have a property for sale then video has been shown to be increase buyer interest and bring more potential buyers in through your door.

The title is will also be the drop down text link on your advert. Make this descriptive accurate and try to use something to draw the customer in to your ad. Eg think about the USP (unique selling point) of your product. It may be the view from a house, the low mileage of a car, its green credentials, more simply it may just be the price.

Description, this forms the body of the advert and is viewed on the right of the advert. Try to think of all the things that make your product sell. Again use USPs, prices or reference to increase a potential buyers interest.

Deciding which category to list is simple, just highlight the subcategory and press the arrow next to it to confirm. Should your item be suitable for several categories then simple list as many relevent ones to increase visibility on the site.

Yap Yap Ok will resize large pictures automatically so that you don't have to. If you wish you can reduce the size to speed up the loading process. Adverts can be loaded within a couple of minutes from start to finish if the sizes are managable including video linking.

Finally, editing your ad later can be done through the My Yap Yap system and viewing all your active ads. Alternatively you can edit whilst viewing the advert provided you are logged in and that the ad is your own. Our system will recognise you as the advert poster and you can see a button "edit my ad" which will take you staright in to the editor!

For navigation we have a picture gallery & a multi function wishlist to save any ad you ay be interested in viewing later.

Payment is arranged between buyer & seller. Paypal is a safe option which is linked to email and can be done by simply paying an email address the amount agreed in the purchase.

Make Yap Yap OK yours. We are customer lead, if there is some thing else that you would like to see, let us know. We answer all emails and if your request is viable and deemed appropriate we will implement them!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Post Christmas Blog

Well I am blogging in person today. Bizarre thing to say, what I mean is that I am not using a third party program to blog for me. Why? Because I want to put in some fancy pictures. Also I can't edit my post & my spelling & grammar leave a lot to be desired!

It is quite clear to me that in the UK at least there are many people still reading their Tweets but not so many Twittering. How have I come to this conclusion? Because I started Tweeting about 1/2 hr ago and received more click throughs than I sometimes get in 2 hours. There can be only 3 reasons for this. The first that my Tweets are becoming increasingly interesting ( I like this one best), the 2nd is my following has grown exponentially, (has not happened) & the last, which is also the most likely is that there are more following than Tweeting today!

You may be wondering why I have decided to post a picture of pink pants. Well, this icon represents clothes, shoes and accessories & post christmas marks the start of the sales!

Since I have experience of retail, both online & on the high street I know what a traumatic time this can be for independent retailers. Apart from the huge amount of work required to re-organise the whole shop, change the window to draw in the shoppers, You also need to decrease the prices in the shop, edit the prices online all to facilitate the new seasons stock due in Febuary. This is both in space & monetry terms.

Should the stock not sell, the budgets will be tight, the shop looks untidy & the customers stop coming as they see the same old things!

We used every resource we could. We used our website, the shop, we off loaded at big discounts in bulk to customers wishing to resell themselves & we used Ebay.

So why would we use Ebay when we had our own website, the answer is simply traffic. Our ratings were excellent but called for specific footfall. Ebay had the browsers who came across your products by accident.

We gained a massive following since we were selling last seasons designer names with honest appraisels of the condition of the stock. We did not reduce our prices for Ebay, in fact very often we were able to realise better prices purely because of the numbers. What was disenchanting was the costs.

There were list prices, extra picture prices, shop prices, final sellers fees and very often paypal costs. These prices have inflated so dramatically that Ebay stopped being a viable way to make money. In the end we just used it to clear out dead stock, which is no bad thing.

So if you have excess stock & need a viable place to sell it. Why not utilise the free sites available online. Many are as easy to use as Ebay, some display with picture galleries and some even do a better job at showcasing items than the market leaders.

Until next time, happy sales!

Yap Yap OK

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A brief update!

Yap Yap OK is getting some population now.  Its looking really fantastic with some amazing looking adverts on.  Utilising great visuals with drop down text is creating huge interest, although most people are waiting untill after the christmas period before they start selling.  Registration numbers have increased dramatically as have our page views.  We have also had a huge amount of shift in Traffic from the US to the UK.  Thats great news as I was starting to worry that we had launched in the wrong country first.  

Fortunately our Uk traffic now represents nearly 40% of total traffic which is exactly our target market.  We are still encouraging US visits as this is where we will be launching next.  It doesn't hurt to generate a little excitement their first.

There are now only 2 days left before christmas and I have yet to wrap a present or to shop for food, I am off to Tweet before I enter into the full spirit of Christmas and actually get organisied.

Till then xx

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Multi tasking via Posturous - Yap Yap OK

As much as I love Posturous, I am having various degrees of success.  For some reason yesterdays post failed to appear on my Facebook, but did appear on my Blog and Twitter.  Have to admit to not having checked on Linked in!

I was in a meeting for some of yesterday, it was also my turn for the school run so  I got very far behind with my social media networking.   On a happy note, my Yap Yap OK has more fans since launch just a few weeks ago than I have friends on my page which has been established a couple of years.  I am hoping that says more about business promotion via social sites than it does my capacity to make or maintain friendships!

This is a short posting today as I want to take another look see at lunch (another sm site) as well as Ning, friendfeed and follow some more students on Twitter.

If anyone out there has any feedback on Ning I would love to hear it.  I can't customise my home page.  Blogger was a doddle as was Posturous, but this is so monumentally hard it leaves me wanting to thrown my mac out the window.  

Anyway for those interested my website is Yap Yap OK
My blog on blogger is Yap Yap OK Blog
My Facebook page is Face book Yap Yap OK
My Tweets are here on Twitter
Myspace  is here This is me and my son Henry
Ning, yeah I know its a bit barren & same pic (I always take them allright!)

i will add the rest later!


Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Monday, December 21, 2009

The power of video

Yap Yap Ok FREE classified and shop hosting website now has video embed capability.

What better way to show case your sale items.  If it a car or a house or any game toy music or DVD, you can now utilize the embed code on any You Tube video or other video with an embed code.  This is optional and classifieds will still display beautifully without it.

However if you really want to push your items beyond that of your competitors, then why not use this facility?  Every item takes less than 5 minutes to upload.  In fact I just did one in less than 2 minutes.  The system stores your personal details so that you only need to add the details of the item you are selling.  You can edit easily at any by viewing your ad and using the easy editor system.

This David Attenborough dvd for sale on Yap Yap Ok is listed under family, documentary and other dvd to enable the item to be show cased in several catagories.  Multi catagory listing is optional and FREE.  Take a look at the dvd link, no other free classified site showcases products in such a visually appealing format.  If you agree then why not join up here.  You can start selling now!

We are also looking for fans on Facebook and welcome your comments here.

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Promote faster sales online with all the tools at your finger tips!

Most classified websites are unappealing on the eye. Text ensures search engine popularity but at the cost of visual stimulation. So having picture galleries and video creates its own issues in getting recognised when the competition is so vast.

We aim to challange this methodogy by working harder to enable our customers to utilise a more stimulating, easy to use classified web site. Our success will turn ordinary classified web sites on their heads. 

What makes us so special? Unlike most text orientated classifieds we are picture orientated. Sales requires more stimulus than text alone. That is why television adverts are historically so much more expensive than publications. 

All our icons and your pictures have drop down text with a short description and price. This means that your customers can search for items quicker and only drill down if they have established an interest in your product. This should greatly reduce the time they spend on the search. We believe that this will encourage buyers back over and over again!

We also have shop hosting where a business can list all there items in one or multiple shops. This is unlike any other classifieds and enables easy navigation for our users and easy management of products and services for the vendors.

On some ads you may notice embed You Tube video under the 6 picture gallery. This is a free tool which enables anyone selling a product or service to show case their products or services in a dynamic way. Many music, films, games, toys, cars and franchises have a You Tube video to support and promote their products. 

To use You Tube video to support your ad:-

1 Find the You Tube video you wish to promote your product. If you wish to use the manufactures, own follow the search by promotion or promo.

2 See the embed code in a box to the right of the video and under the URL box address!

3 Copy and paste this link directly in to the text box on the video tab of the editor listing when adding your classified. 

4 If you wish to edit your ad & link the video later then its easy. You don't even need to go through your classifieds. If you are logged in then you can edit the ad when you are viewing it. 

Alternatively you can use your own embed link from your own video or create a slide show of pictures on Slide.   

Slide enables you to load your photos in to a program that creates a moving picture in a variety of formats
We also have a multi wishlist option so that buyers can easily organise & find items that they have searched for or they can generate present lists for any occasion.

I think that sets us aside from most sites!

Yap YAp OK

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Friday, December 18, 2009


I have successfully utilised the auto posting on Posturous.  I love it.  It took a little more application but to be fair I think that was much more to do with the fact that I had already started a blog on blogger which is so easy to start, to customise and to edit.  Anything else, frankly appeared starngely complex.  

Usually the more complex the site, the more features it has and this is indeed true of Posturous.  Not that it is complex, you just need to apply yourself to the various functions and navigate around it, and boy is it worth it.  I am posting this directly from my email to my email address at Posturous.  Posturous has linked the social media sites on its system with my (other) blog, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin.  If they do not exist on this system then I can simply add the url of my chosen sm site in to the email address and it will post to them to.  

Since I am currently using social media as a marketing exercise, this will greatly enable me to achieve bulk posting with one email and save huge quantities of time. Obviously I will not have the same control over the layout and pictures etc, however this is a small price to pay.

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Yap Yap OK

In the spirit of testing out the networking capabilities of social media, here is my posting from my latest on line tool, Posterous

Anyone following my blog will know that I am a total novice and exploring the ability of Social Media to enhance our search engine ratings and increase visibility.  So here goes..

Just to increase my web lines here is the link to my site.

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Yap Yap OK

In the spirit of testing out the networking capabilities of social media, here is my posting from my latest on line tool, Posterous

Anyone following my blog will know that I am a total novice and exploring the ability of Social Media to enhance our search engine ratings and increase visibility.  So here goes..

Just to increase my web lines heres the link top my site.

Posted via email from Yap Yap OK. Daily Blog of the UKs superior FREE classified site

Yap Yap OK. UK FREE classifieds - A bit of self promotion.

After several down days and with some effort we have in one day more than made up our deficit in Alexa rankings. We still have a long way to go. I managed this by Tweeting and doing some work on Digg, Stumble and some obsure other SM marketing. Today I will go back to Posturous, Tweet some more and if I have time, I will check out some of the Alexa Tools.

I have decided to incorporate some images from The Yap Yap OK web site into my blog, since this is the very essence of how I promote my website. Appeal to as many senses as possible, ooohhh except sound as that can be a big no no at work!

Most classified websites are unappealing on the eye. Text ensures search engine popularity but at the cost of visual stimulation. So having picture galleries and video creates its own issues in getting recognised when the competition is so vast.

We aim to challange this methodogy by working harder to enable our customers to utilise a more stimulating, easy to use classified web site. Our success will turn ordinary classified web sites on their heads.

What makes us so special? Unlike most text orientated classifieds we are picture orientated. Sales requires more stimulus than text alone. That is why television adverts are historically so much more expensive than publications.

All our icons and your pictures have drop down text with a short description and price. This means that your customers can search for items quicker and only drill down if they have established an interest in your product. This should greatly reduce the time they spend on the search. We believe that this will encourage buyers back over and over again!

We also have shop hosting where a business can list all there items in one or multiple shops. This is unlike any other classifieds and enables easy navigation for our users and easy management of products and services for the vendors.

On some ads you may notice embed You Tube video under the 6 picture gallery. This is a free tool which enables anyone selling a product or service to show case their products or services in a dynamic way. Many music, films, games, toys, cars and franchises have a You Tube video to support and promote their products.

To use You Tube video to support your ad:-

1 Find the You Tube video you wish to promote your product. If you wish to use the manufactures, own follow the search by promotion or promo.

2 See the embed code in a box to the right of the video and under the URL box address!

3 Copy and paste this link directly in to the text box on the video tab of the editor listing when adding your classified.

4 If you wish to edit your ad & link the video later then its easy. You don't even need to go through your classifieds. If you are logged in then you can edit the ad when you are viewing it.

We also have a multi wishlist option so that buyers can easily organise & find items that they have searched for or they can generate present lists for any occasion.

I think that sets us aside from most sites!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Technorati the bloggers directory

I have re started my social media efforts having been thwarted by storms and ultimately had all online efforts quashed by "force majeure".

My Alexa rankings have taken a albeit tiny hit and dropped a few thousand places. Proportionately this is small but it is not the direction that we are used to.

Consequently I decided to look at alternative methods of networking a la social media and once again submitted to Digg, Stumble, Buzz and others which I am unsure worked properly but simple greeted me with a done message.

Once again I came up on Quantcast and Technorati. With renewed energy I decided that some application was called for. Quantcast I was reminded actually called for me to embed some code into my website in order for them to scan it.

I had not fulfilled this before as I had only recently given my long suffering developer another long to do list and feared she may be pushed a step too far in the wrong direction.

Now I have sent this on and I am looking forward to scanning this via Quantcast so that I may have an understanding of what Quantcast actually is.

Its a little like fumbling along in the dark and finding the toilet when the lights are off. When the lights are switched on then you realise that you got there in the end.

It seems to me that many of these social media are like this with a few odd rules thrown in.

One of these rules I found was that, when blogging keep paragraphs small even when they are inappropriate breaks, hence the new format. Also try to ensure few spelling mistakes. Ha!

Technorati on the other hand requires more indepth knowledge, which I do not have. I am now torn between spending time on the sites I understand and getting my site spidered in a time proven way, or investing my resources in Technorati.

Technorati is a blog directory. It has not indexed my blog and the old way of submitting the blog by pinging it is no longer in operation. So yes I have put in some man hours to find the old way and then to see that this no longer works AAARRRGGGHHH! Whoops spelling, that will stuff up my rankings!

Any ideas anyone!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to run an internet site without the internet? It was a question & one I long for the answer to.

My internet has been down for several days with internet on and off. Frankly I am lost without it. All the enthusiasm which I start my day with great intentions is stunted the moment I see the screen "Speed Touch is currently down". Anyway with or without an internet connection I have still managed to get some more followers on Twitter. So I shall Tweet on and off as long as the weather allows and try to keep a steady relationship with Alexa. I can't imagine that I am going to grow in the ratings with out being very proactive but I don't want to drop back. Failing that I shall move on and read my devastatingly interesting read (not) on SEO.

So sorry for the equally dull blog. I hope that I have more to share on the progress of the website and the ratings when the weather allows.

Yap Yap OK FREE UK Classified and shop hosting with embed video

Monday, December 14, 2009

The power of Youtube

I am, forgive me, repeating myself a bit today. I have been "moved" by the beauty and the power of embed video.

All new major releases, be it video games, the latest toy even pre school gadget has it seems a promotional video. The reason for this is that it is a relatively cheap way of distribution. The cost is only in the production which may or may not be professional and therefore may or may not be expensive. They place the video on youtube and we look at them through choice, if your like me its usually whilst researching presents particular games for the children. The more enticing and exciting they are, the more we want them. Cars, boats consoles, home working, even money making gurus place their video in an effort to generate customers.

So if you are an online shop, why would you not utilize this free facility. Many of your products already have the video. It is up to you to use it in a way that supports your business. For example if you have a toy shop you can access even the most unlikely promo video via youtube. Here is the promo for Go Go pets Go Go Hamsters, the apparent must have christmas toy.

If you sell these then it is a missed opportunity not to use a video paid for by the distributor. Most new toys videos cars etc have this promotional video.

Here is the Bakugan Battle Pack
An aspirational car...Aston Martin Vantage
And the ones that never grow up....Nitro RC car

If you look to the right of the screen under the URL there is a code called the embed code. You can copy this into an embed link so that video runs on that page. You don't even need video capability as we will host this for you FREE.

So if you want to promote your products in the most effective advertising medium available FREE without the hassle of updating your site, then register now and upload your products here. Yap Yap OK

This really is the most easy to use classified system. It is far more visually appealing than any others out there. Running any kind of ecommerce website is a full time job. Unless you have resources to pay for SEO, marketing and Social media then you will be staffing it courtesy of your business. Additionally you will have the main aspects of running your shop, ordering product, budget control, staffing customer service, the list is endless. Having run concurrently a shop and an online boutique I am well aware of the time obligations required, not to mention the other costs such as web hosting fees and even domain name registration. The more pro active among you will also be Tweeting for several hours a day. STOP! We do that for you. We do the marketing, we do the SEO we drive the traffic right down to your individual advert. FREE

So if you already have the photos, already have the description, why not join us. It will take no more than a few minutes. Uploading is easy and quick, the smaller your photos the quicker the upload. Spend a few minutes uploading some of your stock. Maybe one of your staff has some time on their hands.

Try it, its free and we do all the marketing. You have nothing to lose and you may substantially increase your returns!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Increase your sales with online video FREE! Houses, games cars and more

Its Sunday, but I cannot help but share this on my Blogg which in the spirit of SM marketing I will share with Twitter and Facebook thereby creating further strings to my web for Mr web spider to read.

Not only does our FREE classified site Yap Yap OK have a 6 picture gallery BUT it also has embed video stunningly presented. Just check it out further down this linked page

This is great for shops and other businesses which sell items where the manufactures have put a promo video together. Most video games have them. So if a shop or any individual wants to advertise a stock item which has a video they can. They simple take the embed code from the youtube site, usually to the right of the video. Then copy it into the Yap Yap OK editor! Even I can do it. Aternatively you can make your own video of your car or property and post it your self.

Over 70% of home buyers in the UK look online before they look in an Estate Agents window. It must make sense then to maximise their online presence! Did you know that online video draws more interest in home buying than pictures alone. This is taken from a recent report from the Guardian newspaper. For the agents it increases their work load. However in this economy we are all working much harder to stay still and it must surely be worthy of consideration, even as a trial with some of their larger more exclusive property.

Promo video embed is FREE on Yap Yap OK. There is no need for risky attachments on existing websites, it can be done NOW and it has to be worth a go! Vendors why wait for your agent to do it? You can be a proactive seller, ask them, or do it your self!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Pip pip. xx

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tweeting in the rain

Tweeting is very slow today.

There is rain and there is rain in Cyprus. It renders telecommunication back to pole waving from the hills. No smoke signals because of the rain!
As quickly as I Tweet via my server goes. So I am left currently with 3 windows and several tabs open all in various stages of admin.

I am currently cordinationg a list of emails from all the student unions in the UK. Some of these sites are hugely progressive with widgets and app style buttons. Many are on Facebook and Twitter and some well staffed ones have Blog editors and forums. Others have even monitised theirs with banner ads. The less inclined are using 3rd party agents to do it for them! Thats fine but they don't capitalise as much as they could since digital agents invariably cream a significant percentage.

So it comes as a surprise to see some student union websites barely updated with no email details at all often just a map on how to find them. I thought students were at the forefront of technology. Not at all given to traipsing around campus looking for their local SU office particularly when they could still be in bed recovering from the previous nights party.

Anyway this is not so much about social medai as it is about who is using them. Less than 30% of the student unions I found had a presence on Twitter and only a few more had Facebook pages. So what does this tell us. I am not sure. Could it be that there is another social media site for me tey to discover favoured by the Students. Once again answers on a postcard!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Competition to win.

I have been busy Tweeting with excellent click through on my links. Whilst this is quick and easy to do via I am limited to the information I can convey. Here on Blogger and on Facebook I can go in to mush more detils and get in more keywords. So here goes!

Help populate our new FREE classified website & win in our new competition

• List one item & get a chance to win
• List 10 items, your 10 x more likely to win
• List 100 items….GET THE PICTURE

Each listing is FREE, sell cds, books, games, clothes, electricals, tools, houses cars, jewellery. NEW OR OLD Private or business

Remember the more your IN, the better your chance to WIN.

Go to

Register and start listing NOW
Its quick, its easy & its FREE

Yap Yap OK Sell your cars, houses, electricals, clothes, music, games ANYTHING. Why pay listing fees and commissions. List for FREE, payment on your terms. Payment can be easily done via paypal direct by email. Business and private sales welcome. List now. In case of a no sale, republish with one click of the mouse. Its easy to use as the online market leader. BUT ITS FREE.

Job vacancies, alternative health products inc slimming and weightloss, spiritual development. List your service here. You can choose from one catagory or multi catagory listing!

Full 6 picture gallery for optimum selling!

All you need is list, every entry qualifies so the more you list the better your odds. Tickets have sold out for this event!
Check out our the rules on the competition page

Monday, December 7, 2009

Everything you thought you knew about sex, but wre too busy to ask!

Yesterday I was premature. I wrote about my amazing results on Twitter assumed by weekend Tweeting and the addition of sex. Well yesterdays Tweets (monday) no mention of sex, were my best ever. Tweeting alone gave me 137 clicks to whichever web page I chose to direct my traffic. So why was this? I am not altogether sure. I have gained another 30 followers but this alone would still be disproportionate in my click through success. Was it Richard Branson who famously said that only 20 % of his advertising works. If he knew which 20 then he would be a much richer man. Well I suppose it is the same with social media. Clearly Twitter is a huge success for me. I can analyse which pages are viewed the most but not what sparks the user to click through. Or who did. Actually I expect some of the tools are there. But my guess is that I will spend a lot of time determining what works only for the parameters to change. Wild stabs or Tweets in the dark are fun and keep my over active imagination running. You can be very inventive and off the wall with this.

Anyway, the major thing about Tweeting is that not only do I get some excellent traffic which helps with my ranking, but also I can direct my traffic to a particular advert or classified listing on the site. This means that I can drive Twitters to an advert over and over again, increase the chance of sales for my customers who then happily continue listing as the success of advertising is overwhelmingly worth the small time it took to load it.

Wow stupidly missing another opportunity of a link in. And waht could be more appropriate than this page. Yap Yap OK
Pip pip.

just a quick update. Click here to apply to and you can get advertising on your tweets to earn money. Woop Woop!

Sex and Satuurdays

Ok so the title may be a little misleading. For the sake of SEO I shall mention sex and saturdays to ensure the content matches the tags. Sex does as I said in my last post attract Twitter traffic to your links. But Saturday hits are so much more prolific. Yes sex matters but all my Tweets were so much more prolific. My guess is that my competition mainly operates monday to friday. Clearly my target audience are also businesses which mainly operate on a monday to friday. In the world of websites, whilst this matters, any hit rate at all all helps with my Alexa ratings. I try to be novel with my postings and direct my Twitter followers to different pages so as to vary the traffic. I am not even sure if this matters but am again guessing that it does. It makes sense to me to have visitors not just landing on your home page and clicking off again.

My next trick with SEO is to try to increase my links. I don't want to creat a link page that no one reads, rather have links to the businesse that advertise on my site via the classifieds. This is good for both of us as we increase the link density of the web so that the bots or spiders can see us better.

Anyway I am neglecting my Tweets which are clearly working for me. Toodles x

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sex money and social media

I am sure that it will come as no surprise but the words sex and money really do drive traffic to your site providing that it is not irrelevent. The art is using it to Tweet and then increase your clicks!

But hey this is a classifieds site, whats not to find. Yes my blog followers (1) Twitter traffic increased by meaningful numbers with sex and money in a very relevent Tweet!.

Now how can you apply that principle to your web site!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Delicious and Posturous

Well yesterday I became a fully paid up member of Posturous and Delicious, in a manner of speaking since they are free.

I can't quite understand all the benefits of Delicious except that it may help Yahoo ratings. This is purely because it is a Yahoo tool. It is a bookmarking system and links to all your favourite sites. I am not quite sure how much time I will be able to give this.

Posturous on the other hand is nothing short of genius. It is a system where by you post blogs or news and link direct to Twitter, Blogger Facebook and a whole host of other Social Networking media sites which I have never heard of. So am I using it now. Ummmm no! I'm afraid my prehistoric brain is rather slow in adapting and I have only just got the hang of this site. But give me time. Also I have not worked out how to post soley to my Ya Yap Ok page on Facebook and it keeps defaulting news to my profile.

Google analytics is failing me once again so I am unable to gauge the results of what I am doing. Last week I was able to see exactly every referrel site, now I am working very blind. I can measure my Alexa results on monday I believe when they are next updated!

I will let you know!

Results of cheating at Twitter

Well despite some witty posts on Twitter, some of my best in fact, I did not get the expected clicks on my bit links. Despite doubling my following over night, my latest followers are more about numbers than quality followers. Having said that, there is a draw to follow someone with an acceptable level of followers. Well I hope so, otherwise this exercise may have proved pointless and time consuming. Well there is that inbox to clear out.

Anyway, I have severely negleted my Tweets in favour of meta data and Digg, which I love. So I am off to Twitter and follow some more Twitterers and I might even tackle Delicious!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cheating at Twitter

Yesterday I found out that you can cheat at Twitter. Admittedly if there is a cheat going I will find it sooner or later. I'm not sure if its my star sign (I'm a Leo) or if its some kind of inate desire to win at any cost. Cheating no matter how much I try to deny it, is instinctive to me. I have cheated my way through every game as a child and even though I admit it reluctantly, as an adult. I steal money from the bank in monopoly, change my hands in cards, I even cheat at snakes and ladders with my son. I recently found that I could install a cheat with Bejewelled blitz and acheived slightly unrealistic scores but almost believable. Despite my desire not to come clean until christmas I am an incredibly bad liar. So when the challenge comes I admit it. This is better than going beetroot and being exposed.

Anyway, I am unable to tell you which cheat worked or if they both did. I simply googled "how to get more followers in Twitter" and hey presto a hundred pages appeared all with massive claims of success. So why does this matter. Well the more followers you have the more likely your Tweets will be clicked to whatever page of any website you wish. This is not always your own. It may be your blog, your Facebook fan page (go on click and join) anything which links to your webpage and reinforces its presence. Or it could be that you want to divert attention to something that supports your cause. Anyway clearly the whole point of your presence on the web is to support it and more clicks the better. So I shall now see if this theory works.

Off to Tweet. I shall report on my findings!

SEO using meta data and social media sites

I am now on Digg, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook and I may be on get satisfaction, ( yes that one caught me by surpise too) and faveblog I have also stumbled a couple of times but still yet to understand that one. My blogs are twittered and posted on Facebook. I twitter my facebook and my blog, I Digg pages on my website and give it the thumbs up on Stumble and somehow these feed into other sites creating a complex exchange of links and further enhancing my SEO.

Don't believe me. Well enter yapyapok in to google. Look at the results. There are currently 34 entries containing the name yapyapok. There will be more after I finish this, such is the nature of the beast. We have been listed on a best hosting site bananafancy among others are twittering for us. We are on a twitter feed on a PR hub.

In grateful return I have linked all of the above to this blog.
You may notice that I have opted to have my Yapyapok twitter feeds linked to this blog too. Cool huh?

Well I have ranted on about posivive SEO via linking on social media. Let me draw your attantion to the negatives.

1 I joined stumble quite recently and in response to my profile posting a message greeted me to say a 40 year old woman has just joined stumble. OMG it was me. It took a little while to realise as I still don't comprehend 40 as being my age. In my mind I am still a young gorgeous (well when I look back I was OK) dancing queen jumping up and down to music in my favourite clubs in Torquay or Swansea or Bristol or Birmingham ( hey I got around) or where ever I was at the time. Anyway I digress, Stumble ranks highly and whenever I put in Yapyapok this piece of information greets me on the first page reintroducing me to the 40 year old who has just joined stumble.

The answer to this is clearly LIE if you don't want anyone to find your real age.

2 Never add your domain name to a URL valuation site when its in its infancy. Yes I have done it since with much better results but this seems indellibly linked to the first page. I guess the answer is to keep blogging, tweeting, Facebooking etc untill such time as it is relegated to the 12300 page on google!

Monday, November 30, 2009

SEO via meta data Social media. Did I mention I discovered Digg

I have been neglecting my blog in favour of watching my son play tennis and also to learn about Digg. Digg seems to come up in a lot of websites when it comes to web site apraisal.

To "Digg" a site is quite literally what it sounds like. You can "Digg" a specific page and then describe what that page is about. This links through to the Digg website and does wonders for your SEO. Our Alexa ratitngs have gone up another 100,000 and it is my intention to move up the ranks by at least 200,000 each week. That means that in 13 weeks we will be within 100,000 Alexa rankings.

I have decided that I am going to start some more technical SEO as well. Namely the meta dat on each page. This is not as complex as it sounds but it is dull and time consuming. Links via social media are great for getting spotted by search engines. We have been indexed by all major search engines already. Google were hot on the mark and have found all 203 pages, but that is mainly down to my Tweeting and blogging. The others have only found me this past week. The other smaller ones I will leave to organically process.

The meta data is not as hot as it used to be but is still important as this is one of the things that the search engines look for when a search term is entered. The main meta data is the title the keywords and the description. A site is priorited to a close matching title to the search terminology. Keywords should be researched to fing the most accurate or related word which must accuraely depict the content of the page. Equally the description must match the content. Search engines scan meta descriptions, titles and keywords against the site pages. If they do not match then the will simply not post them high up in the results. Clearly when this meta data is limited to a finite number of characters, then it is in the interest of the site owner to drive the right traffic to the site rather than mislead the wrong ones!

Wow, I think my brain is in overload. I now am off to Tweet my website. Yap Yap OK UK free classifieds and shop hosting.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm Stumbling

OK peeps, although I seem to be my own solitary follower.  Never mind.  It will make great research for my book when the time comes.  

Well I am officially a stumbler.  Granted its not as easy to get noticed as Twitter or Facebook.  I haven't quite understood the way it works but since I was unsuccessful in starting my word press blog earlier today, I felt the need to embark on another Social media site to further develop my marketing plans.  Today our new UK classified site has received 45 clicks from Twitter.  Not as good as yesterday but I have been over absorbed in other social media.

We are still in Beta and now want to convert our hits into registered users.  Not sure how to do that yet but watch this space!

Social Media and Alexa Ranking

Tweeting is being neglected today, hence only a 4 clicks. Not great seeing as I had so many click throughs yesterday, so I shall just take a moment for a tweet. Ok in less than a minute another 3 clicks.

My limited exposure and knowledge of Social Media is clearly not a problem as our Alexa rankings have increased by 90% in a week. Admittedly we had alot to do considering we were ranked at over 23 million 2 weeks ago. We are now sitting at an Alexa ranking of 2.8 million, so a vast improvement. I have found that linking my blog to my tweets has encouraged a higher following on Twitter. I have yet to master the art of followers on blogger but my blogs are public and are being read by my Facebook fans and my Twitterers. I have also yet to master the art of publishing a customised header on wordpress. I currently have a little blue question mark where it should be.

Anyway the long and the short of it is, by linking my blog to twitter as well as my facebook page I have upped my following, varied my tweets and gained enough click through to up my Alexa ranking. These are currently the only marketing tools we are using.

So excuse me while I Tweet!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Banner ads and analysis

Well I had a very successful day yesterday. My click through on Tweeting was great. I had 59 clicks for about 15 minutes total work. I also had clicks through on Facebook. Unfortunately my google analytics is out of action so I don't know exactly but I am hoping that my hits will have been close to a hundred. Not bad for a site that we just started working on a week ago.

I was meant to be in a meeting today with the developer who has just finished the wish list function. As usual she has gone beyond our expectations and no doubt made a totally fabulous job of it. It has bought about a slight delay so our meeting is now on monday. Topic of the meet is banner adds, specifically the size, layout and rotations of banner ads.

My research has shown that certain size banners are more likely to work for the advertiser which clearly has consequences (or pound notes) for the web owner. Optimum sizes and position are paramount when dealing with digital agents. Rotating the ads is also significant. Users apparently do not like static ads, there fore we need to vary the advertisnig space either when the page is refreshed or on a timer. 3 rotations a minute seems to be a bit of a standard. However this also gets complicated as some banners are waited to enable some ads to appear for longer or more often than others.

Oh and for those of you who are interested. The wider ads work better. A newer size which is becoming more popular is the 728x90 header banner, which is lovely and big and should produce lots of revenue, rotated (for your pleasure) of course!

Till next time xx
Ok back again so very quickly. I had to do some links, which I love! I will explain more about them another time. Yap Yap OK has just joined Facebook. Here s the link (see its in
Facebooks is brilliant. I shared it with my friends and instantly had a fan. She sent it on and seconds later another fan signed up. For SEO purposes this is an invaluable tool. First my website gets seen, hopefully it gets some hits in particular uniques and the search engines can see a mega load of activity.

Now you may have noticed an illustration of my link above. It is simply an abbreviation of what would otherwise be long link. This is important as Tweeting only allows you 140 characters. You really do not want 50 of them (or more) as part of a hyperlink. Additionally, you sign up for your bit account which tracks your tweets, the clicks from your tweets so that you can ascertain many of the analytics available. These include bar charts which shows clear and concise numbers of which tweets worked best. That enables the tweeter to best use certain words to encourage clicks.

Of course another key benefit is the linking and recognition that these sites bring. I am enjoying learning how these SN sites quickly help me generate traffic and blogging as I go!

Blogging on the Job!

This is my first blog, and my very first posting on blogger.  So a brief intro is called for

We have just launched an online internet site.  Whilst the talent within the group is far stretced, mine is rather limited.  One of my tasks is social networking sites.  This I am finding fairly easy.   After all I am fairly sociall and like most of the rest of the world I have a Facebook page.  

Twittering is so much fun and so responsive.  I keep a window of page views on my account which has been a revelation to me.  I love and I will talk more, or should I say blog more about it later.  Another of my temporary tasks, is minor SEO.  We are waiting for a new member to jump onbaord.  Meanwhile, I in all my ignorance is having a go.

Coming to terms with the terminology is in itself terminal.  I have no idea what technorati is or how to use Reddit and Delicious.  I tried Stumbleupon but analysis hasn't shown, so more patience needed.  

Sorry I need a short break to tweet via  This is wonderful. In a short 2 minutes I received 3 more clicks.  I could do this full time.   Clearly I need to get a life but meanwhile I will work my way around the SN sites untill I can bear to google some of the more difficult yet necessary requiremnets of website indexing.

Until next time...xx