Friday, April 9, 2010

Blah blah blah

YapYapOK still at 755,640.  Its still early so it may climb a bit more.

Since I have decided to be a little topical then I am pleased to report that Liverpool and Fulham are through to the semi finals of the Europa cup, our last hopes in Europe.  I can't ellaborate on this as my football knowledge is restricted to the roars and curses of my family from the next room.  The only time I suffer it is if I can elicit  a back massage simultaneously.  This is usually ruined by sudden chanting or the like so I retire to the next room.  The masters started yesterday.  In many ways this is better since I am not subjected to the same sporadic outbursts, the negative is the monotone commentary and the length of time it is on.  Fortunately for me last night I indulged in a chick flick starring Hilary Swank film whilst my boys watched live streaming from the study.

I am on a part day as I intend to do some grocery shopping and then play tennis with my son.  My husband has a knee injury so is currently operating as coach barking instruction from the tram lines.  Tennis instruction from some one you know well is a little like getting driving instruction from your parents, the recipient is often torn between grateful appreciation of the time dedicated and frustration which often results in a show down.

Driving the YapYapOK rankings at this stage requires a surge of energy and I am considering adsense.  I have steered away from this up to now but thinks that now may be the time.  Its not so much budget as knowledge.  I have a past experience which thinking about it makes me shudder.  My old account was semi permanently suspended.  To understand the system requires time and patience, neither of which I have in spades.  Accounts are suspended for rule violation and the rules are difficult to comprehend.  I received a marketing email the other day from a company which would do all this for me at a competitive price.  I "filed" the mail somewhere and cant find it, ahhhh.

In truth I would prefer a more straightforward system.  So I will dedicate the next couple of hours to researching online marketing and feedback next week.

YapYapOK needs a few more links in this mail, so please forgive the spam.  I promise to make a better effort next week with some original content.  YapYapOK free advertising!

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